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§304.2 应提供的资料;同意或拒绝检?Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-04-20 03:57:40 来源:GPO 浏览次数9span id="hits">2871
发布文号 35 FR 15558
发布日期 1970-10-03 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 规定了同意或拒绝检验应提供的资料、/td>


   304.2 Information to be furnished; grant or refusal of inspection.

  (a FSIS shall give notice in writing to each applicant granted inspection and shall specify in the notice the establishment, including the limits of the establishment's premises, to which the grant pertains.

  (b The Administrator is authorized to grant inspection upon his determination that the applicant and the establishment are eligible therefor and to refuse to grant inspection at any establishment if he determines that it does not meet the requirements of this part or the regulations in parts 305, 307, and part 416, 416.1 through 416.6 of this chapter or that the applicant has not received approval of labeling and containers to be used at the establishment as required by the regulations in parts 316 and 317. Any application for inspection may be refused in accordance with the rules of practice in part 500 of this chapter.

  (c)(1 Any applicant for inspection at an establishment where the operations thereof may result in any discharge into the navigable waters in the United States is required by subsection 21(b of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended ?4 Stat. 91? to provide the Administrator with a certification as prescribed in said subsection that there is reasonable assurance that such activity will be conducted in a manner which will not violate the applicable water quality standards. No grant of inspection can be issued after April 3, 1970 (the date of enactment of the Water Quality Improvement Act? unless such certification has been obtained, or is waived because of failure or refusal of the State, interstate agency or the Secretary of the Interior to act on a request for certification within a reasonable period (which shall not exceed 1 year after receipt of such request?

  ? However, certification is not initially required in connection with an application for inspection granted after April 3, 1970, for facilities existing or under construction on April 3, 1970, although certification for such facilities is required to be obtained within the 3-year period immediately following April 3, 1970. Failure to obtain such certification and meet the other requirements of subsection 21(b prior to April 3, 1973, will result in the termination of inspection at such facilities on that date.

  Further, any application for inspection pending on April 3, 1970, and granted within 1 year thereafter shall not require certification for 1 year following the grant of inspection but such grant of inspection shall terminate at the end of 1 year after its issuance unless prior thereto such certification has been obtained and the other requirements of subsection 21(b are met.

  [35 FR 15558, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 41 FR 4889, Feb. 3, 1976; 44 FR 68813, Nov. 30, 1979; 62 FR 45024, Aug. 25, 1997; 64 FR 56415, Oct. 20, 1999; 64 FR 66545, Nov. 29, 1999; 65 FR 2284, Jan. 14, 2000]

  304.2 应提供的资料;同意或拒绝检验、/p>

  (a 在受理检验申请后,食品FSIS应书面通知申请人,通知应详细列明获得许可的官方注册厂的相关条件和要求、/p>

  (b 如果申请人及其官方注册厂的实际情况符合检验许可的各项要求,政府授权的行政官即可作出给予检验许可的决定。如果不符合本部分各项要求的,或者不符合本章?05、第307部分及第416部分?16.1-416.6之相关规定的,或者申请人未能按照本章?16、第317部分要求,获得标签、包装使用许可的,行政官将拒绝给予检验许可。同时,根据本章?00部分中的有关规定,可以拒绝任何检验许可申请、/p>

  (c)(1 提出检验申请的官方注册厂,如果其生产操作中产生的废弃物、水排入国内航道河水中的,根据《美联邦水污染控制法》,修正案(84 stat. 91)第21(b)部分的相关要求,申请人必须向行政官出具该部分所要求提供的相关证明,以证实自己具有合理的措施,能确保废弃物、水经过处理后,以适当的方式排入航道中,不会影响水质标准。自1970??日(《国家水质改善法案》生效日)后,如果不能提供上述证明,或自检验申请人向国家(State)、州际机构(interstate agency)、内务协调处(the Secretary of the Interior)提出出具上述证明的要求后,因上述部门自身原因未能出具该证明,而又未能获得这些部门准许的一定时间内(自提出要求日算起,不超过一年时间)免于提供该证明的,所有检验申请将不再获得许可、/p>

  ? 然而,上述证明并不是要求所有官方注册厂?970??日开始都必须提供,如果官方注册厂废弃物、水处理设备?970??日前早已存在或者当时正处于建造过程中,这些设施自1970??日起可获?年时间的宽限期,但宽限期内,官方注册厂必须获得上述证明。如果在1973??日前还没有获得该证明,未达到《美联邦水污染控制法案》第21(b)部分相关要求的,届时将终止该官方注册厂的检验许可、/p>


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