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§1240.60 软体贝类(Molluscan shellfish)

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放大字体缩小字体2011-04-16 10:13:55 来源:GPO 浏览次数9span id="hits">3874
发布文号 40 FR 5620
发布日期 1975-02-06 生效日期 暂无
有效性状?/th> 废止日期 暂无
备注 所有贝类原料必须有一个标签,说明贝类捕捞的日期、地点、种类、数量和捕捞者,装运散装贝类原料的船上可附一份包含有同样信息的装运清单或类似装船文件,以替代贝类标牌。所有去壳软体贝类的包装容器必须带有标签,写明包装商或再包装尚姓名、地址和认证编号。不具备上述标牌、装船文件和标签,或标牌、装船文件或标签所含的内容信息,不完全符合本节(b)段和(c)段要求的任何软体贝类,将被扣留或禁止通关、并销毁、/td>

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   1240.60 Molluscan shellfish.

  (a A person shall not offer for transportation, or transport, in interstate traffic any molluscan shellfish handled or stored in such an insanitary manner, or grown in an area so contaminated, as to render such molluscan shellfish likely to become agents in, and their transportation likely to contribute to the spread of communicable disease from one State or possession to another.

  (b All shellstock shall bear a tag that discloses the date and place they were harvested (by State and site? type and quantity of shellfish, and by whom they were harvested (i.e., the identification number assigned to the harvester by the shellfish control authority, where applicable or, if such identification numbers are not assigned, the name of the harvester or the name or registration number of the harvester's vessel? In place of the tag, bulk shellstock shipments may be accompanied by a bill of lading or similar shipping document that contains the same information.

  (c All containers of shucked molluscan shellfish shall bear a label that identifies the name, address, and certification number of the packer or repacker of the molluscan shellfish.

  (d Any molluscan shellfish without such a tag, shipping document, or label, or with a tag, shipping document, or label that does not bear all the information required by paragraphs (b and (c of this section, shall be subject to seizure or refusal of entry, and destruction.

  [40 FR 5620, Feb. 6, 1975, as amended at 60 FR 65202, Dec. 18, 1995]




  (d)不具备上述标牌、装船文件和标签,或标牌、装船文件或标签所含的内容信息,不完全符合本节(b)段和(c)段要求的任何软体贝类,将被扣留或禁止通关、并销毁、br />

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