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  Introduction of Official Safety Control on Chinese Products of Animal Origin for Export & Import


  Laws, Regulations and Standards on Import and Export Food Safety



  Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection

  2、〉a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/show-1710.html" target="_blank">中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法《/p>

  Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine


  Law of the People's Republic of China on Animal Disease Prevention


  Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China

  5、〉a href="//www.sqrdapp.com/law/show-194806.html" target="_blank">中华人民共和国产品质量法《/p>

  Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China

  (二)法 Regulations


  Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine


  Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection


  Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Veterinary Medicine


  Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Feeding Fodder


  Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Pesticides


  Administrative Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Breeding Stock and Poultry

  (三)部门规章Regulations of Ministry

  1、动物卫生控制Animal Disease Control






  (1) Control Measures for report on animal epidemic situation (issued by Ministry of Agriculture on Oct 20th, 1999)

  (2) Control Measures for Inspection and Quarantine of Live Birds Supplied to Hong Kong and Macao (Order of AQSIQ No.26)

  (3) Specifications on State Animal Epidemic Situation of report and Forecast

  (4) State Emergency Provision On Prevention and Cure of HPAI

  (5) Notification regarding of issuing 7 important epizootic control technical protocols including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Control Technical Protocol ( MOA [2002] No. 74)


  Hygiene and Safety control on Processing of Meat, Aquatic product and honey for export and import







  (1) Control Measures for Inspection and Quarantine of Meat for entry-exit (AQSIQ Announcement No. 26, 2002)

  (2) Regulation on Drug Usage Control for Export Chicken

  (3) Inspection and Quarantine requirements for Export Chicken and Chicken Products

  (4) Inspection and Quarantine Administrative Measures for Entry and Exit Aquatic Products (AQSIQ Announcement No. 31, 2002)

  (5) Inspection and Quarantine Administrative Measures on honey and honey Products for export (CIQ Announcement No. 20)


  Administration on Registration of Food Establishments for Export





  (1) Administrative Regulation of Sanitary Registration for Food processing Establishment for Export (AQSIQ Announcement No. 20)

  (2) Regulation on Administration of HACCP Management System Certification (CNCA Announcement No.3 2002)

  (3) Regulation for Administration of Domestic Manufacturers Regarding Food Export Registration in Foreign Countries (CNCA Announcement No.15,2002)

  (4) Administrative Measures of registration on farm of eels for export


  Residue Monitoring






  (1) Administrative Regulations on detailed rules for implementation of Veterinary drugs

  (2) Administrative Regulations for implementation of Pesticide (MOA ORDER No.20)

  (2) Special Renovation Plan on Drug residues of aquatic products

  (3) Quality Control Guideline for Analysis of Residues

  (4) Notice on MRLs of veterinary drugs in the foods of animal


  Pathogen Control






  (1) Circular Letter on the Implementation of National Standards of Fresh, Frozen Poultry Products

  (2) Circular Letter on Further Strengthening Quality Controls of Exported Chicken Products

  (3) Emergency Circular on Further Strengthening AI Prevention and Identification

  (4) Circular Letter on Further Strengthening Quality Controls of the Import of Meat Products

  (5) Management of Quality Inspection, Supervision and Quarantine of the Import and Export of Meat Products


  Sanitary Control in Processing and Storage of Foods for Export




  (1) Administrative Regulation of Sanitary Registration for Food processing Establishment for Export

  (2) Sanitation Criteria for Slaughtering and Processing Enterprises of meat Products, and ect.

  (3) Administrative measure of supervision on quality and safety of food Processing Enterprises


  1、国际标? International Standards)







  (1) Terrestrial Animal Health Code

  (2) Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals

  (3) Aquatic Animal Health Code

  (4) Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals

  (5) International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

  (6) Relative standards of Codex Alimentarius Commission


  Domestic standards (Some GB and SN)

  ?)GB 2707-1994 猪肉卫生标准

  ?)GB 2710-1996 ??禽肉卫生标准

  ?)SN/T 041895 出口冻家兔肉检验规稊/p>

  ?)SN/T 041995 出口冻肉用鸡检验规稊/p>

  ?)SN/T 038495 出口冻对虾检骋/p>

  (1) GB 2707-1994 Hygiene standard for pork

  (2) GB 2710-1996 Hygienic standard for fresh (frozen) poultry

  (3) SN/T 041895 Rule for inspection of frozen rabbit meat for export

  (4) SN/T 041995 Rule for inspection of frozen chicken for export

  (5) SN/T 038495 Rule of the inspection of frozen prawn for export

  二、组织管理体系(Management System(/p>



  According to relevant Chinese laws and regulations, currently there are three governmental bodies involved in animal health, animal and plant protection and food safetyGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ) , Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Ministry of Health


  General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ)


  AQSIQ is a ministerial body directly under the State Council, merged by the former State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China and State Administration for Quality, Technology Supervision of the Peoples Republic of China in April 2001. The scope of responsibility of AQSIQ mainly covers national quality supervision, equipment calibration, entry-exit commodity inspection, entry-exit sanitary quarantine, entry-exit quarantine of animals and plants, certification and accreditation, standardization, etc. There are 15 departments under AQSIQ, excluding the two institutions, Certification and Accreditation Administration of the Peoples Republic of China and Standardization Administration Committee of the Peoples Republic of China, respectively responsible for the integration, coordination and supervision of certification and accreditation, and standardization.


  Currently AQSIQ has set up 35 CIQ bureaus and several Quality and Technology Supervision bureaus , whose operations, personnel and properties are in its vertical integration. Under the 35 bureaus, there are 282 branches and 281 offices, mainly located in different ports and goods distributing centers across the country. AQSIQ has 452 laboratories, 10,000 sets of inspection and quarantine equipment, and a staff population of around 35,000, among whom 2,700 are full-time official veterinarians and about 6,000 are responsible for entry-exit quarantine and quality inspection of animals and animal products, issuing health certificates and supervision and control of food processing plants producing products for export.


  Certification and Accreditation Administration of the Peoples Republic of China (CNCA) is established by the State Council, and is authorized by the State Council to exercise administrative responsibilities by undertaking unified management, supervision and overall coordination of certification and accreditation activities across the country.

  3、农业部 Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)



  Bureau of Animal Production and Health is a department under the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for animal health and veterinary public health in China. Its scope of responsibility includes animal disease prevention and diagnosis, epidemic control and notification, veterinary drug management, residue control, quarantine of livestock and poultry and their products, etc. It also exerts control and guidance on the work of animal production and health bureaus at provincial levels, which are responsible for animal disease prevention and diagnosis, epidemic control and notification, veterinary drug management, residue control, quarantine of livestock and poultry and their products at local levels.


  There are four national veterinary research institutes across the country, namely, Institute of Animal Quarantine of MOA, Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Shanghai Verminosis Research Institute, Lanzhou Veterinary Institute. The latter three belong to China Academy of Agricultural Sciences. There are also many provincial veterinary research institutes that constitute a network conducting studies on pathogenic control of animal diseases, etc.

  3、卫生部 Ministry of Health


  The Ministry of Health, under which there are health supervision centers, health administrative departments at county level and above and China CDC, is accountable for the State Council. Health supervision centers are administrative, executive bodies, while China CDC is responsible for technical support. There are about 100,000 food supervisors and over 200,000 food inspectors within the entry border food supervision services under the Ministry of Health.


  2.2 Object and Scope of Import and Export Food Safety Control


  2.2.1 Objectwhat needs to be controlled


  Harmful existences: pathogenic microbes, pests (celozoic and ectozoic parasites, insects), weeds and other harmful substances.


  Residues: pesticides and veterinary drug residues, heavy metal, chemical toxins, toxic substances, trace elements, etc.


  Novel Foods: GMOs, growth promoters, health-care products, special nutrients, etc.

  2、食品安全管理的范围(Scope of Food Safety Control(/p>


  Scopethe whole supply chain including Production, Processing, Storage, Transportation, and Distribution

  ?)生 Production

  ?)加 Processing

  ?)仓 Storage

  ?)运 Transportation

  ?)销售或进出 Distribution or Import & Export

  ?兽医卫生防疫体系 (Measures on Bio-security of Veterinary)


  1. Control of Animal Diseases by MOA


  MOA and its related departments at local levels exert control over domestic animal diseases through measures on disease prevention, quarantine, control and eradication, supervision of animal disease prevention and transportation administration. All disease no matter its foreign or local, it should be reported and controlled in strict accordance with OIE regulations and requirements.


  Sanitary Control on Animals for slaughtering by Supervision and Quarantine Authorities

  1 对饲养场的疫病控制与检疫监箠/p>

  Disease Control and Quarantine Supervision on Farms


  AQSIQ requires that all processing plants producing poultry meat for export should establish five-unification management system, i.e., unification of chick supply, unification of feed supply, unification of drug supply, unification of vaccination, and unification of slaughtering; that all chicken for slaughtering must be from farms that have been put on file by supervision and quarantine authorities.


  Plant veterinarians and laboratories are subject to the control of local veterinary authorities and CIQs, who also supervise and regulate feeding, disease-prevention, drug-application, immunization and disease control, and slaughtering in plants.


  3.2.2 Ante- and Post-mortem Quarantine


  Regulation for Entry-exit Meat Inspection and Quarantine, issued in October 2002 by AQSIQ, prescribes that CIQ at all levels should perform ante-mortem and post-mortem quarantine supervision on poultries.


  3.2.3 Detection and Monitoring of Animal Diseases

  各检验检疫机构对所有供屠宰家禽进行禽流感和新城疫的检疫和监测。对所屠宰的家禽在出栏?-5天采取喉腔与泄殖腔棉拭子样品, 每个饲养群不少于30个样品,按照荧光RT-PCR方法或参照国际兽医局(OIE)规定的方?检测禽流感和新城疫病毒,并进行毒力鉴定、/p>

  Competent quarantine and supervision authorities carry out ante-mortem detection and monitoring of AI and ND on poultries. To identify AI or ND virus or its toxicity, swabs should be taken from the or pharynx or cloacae of poultries 3-5 days prior to the date of slaughtering. No less than 30 samples should be taken from each flock. Fluorescent RT-PCR method or other methods recommended by OIE may be used for the identification.


  3.3 Animal Disease Alert Notification System



  Stringent detection and control measures are always put in place in China to prevent against animal disease. The new Administration approved by the first session of the tenth National Peoples Congress are treating the prevention of animal diseases in a more stringent and pragmatic way; as a result, the Alert Notification System is being operated in a more accurate and efficient way. Having regard to the relevant regulations of OIE, once an animal disease is detected, the following reporting and notification procedures will be strictly followed:

  When list 1 disease, or a suspected disease is detected somewhere in China, the local animal production and health department or CIQ shall respectively report to the MOA or AQSIQ within 12 hours, and at the same time, corresponding measures should be promptly put in place based on relevant laws and regulations. MOA will report to FAO and other relevant international organization on whats being detected according to relevant laws and regulations.

  ? 残留监控体系(Drug Residue Monitoring System)


  4.1 Implementation of Residue Monitoring Program

  1、概 General Situation


  Taking into account the requirements of the EU directive 96/22 and 96/23, MOA and the former General Administration of Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (now known as AQSIQ) developed Chinese Residues Control Program on Live Animals and Foodstuffs of Animal Origin in March 1999, which mainly included: laws and regulations related to residue control; competent authorities concerned and their organization structures; lab inspection network; detailed official sampling procedures; list of substances to be tested and analysis methods to be used; number of samples to be taken; measures against non-compliant cases.


  4.1.2 Products to be monitored


  Residues monitoring program in 1999 covered broilers, rabbits, honey and fish. Cattle, pigs, horse, sheep, crawfish and casings were added to the sampling plan of 2000, and the target of DES residue monitoring was specified from fish to eels. The list of animals remained unchanged from 2001 to the following year. In 2003 based on the actual condition that the royal jelly and honey are exported as two different commodities, royal jelly was added by AQSIQ to be listed in monitoring program.


  4.1.3 Species and Catalog of Monitoring Substances and objective items


  In 1999, 43 substances of 13 species were included in the RMP


  In 2000, 62 substances of 17 species were included in the RMP


  In 2001, 64 substances of 17 species were included in the RMP


  In 2002, 87 substances of 18 species were included in the RMP


  In 2003, 90 substances of 18 species were included in the RMP




  4.1.4 Residue monitoring items and sample numbers


  Based on the residue monitoring results in the previous year, especially on the feedback information of the positive (non-compliance) results, and taking account of world-wide alert notifications, samples of some items to be taken will be duly increased year by year; based on the reasonable suggestions in FVO inspection report and the problems of chloramphenicol and nitrofuran which had been notified by EU in recent years, the monitoring items are being added in order to meet the residue requirement of importing countries and regions such as the EU, Japan, Korea, Switzerland and HK. The list of monitoring items will be updated and the monitoring system, improved in the following year.


  In 2000 10 items were added compared with the monitoring program in 1999


  In 2001 another 18 items were added compared with the monitoring program in 2000


  In 2002 59 items were added compared with the monitoring program in 2001


  In 2003 29 items were added compared with the monitoring program in 2002



  4.1.5 Establishment and Improvement of sampling procedure and delivery procedure


  For the purpose of ensuring fairness, lawfulness and scientificness of official sampling and handling of samples, and representativeness of samples taken, Official Sampling Procedure was stipulated in Chinese Residue Control Program on Live Animals and Foods of Animal origin (1999) based on the EU Directive 98/179/EC and the sampling methods recommended of FAO/WHO Pesticide Residue Code Committee.


  In February 2000, the following flow charts and recording sheets were improved and put into use in 2001 by the former General Administration of Inspection and Quarantine (now known as AQSIQ): the whole CIQ residue monitoring work flow chart, CIQ residue monitoring sampling flow chart, CIQ residue monitoring sampling sheet, CIQ residue monitoring sampling tag, CIQ residue monitoring delivery sheet, CIQ residue monitoring testing results report sheet and the result statistics table.


  In order to properly deliver the samples, in 2001, CIQ started to consign to DATONG International transportation Co. of sample delivery by air express. Since then, samples have always been delivered this way.


  The Official Sampling Procedure were further standardized in 2001. Technical Operation Key Point of the Veterinary Drug Residue Monitoring Sampling Plan in 2001 and Operational Measures of Residue Monitoring Sampling were stipulated by MOA; CIQ also set up various detailed sampling procedures for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, chicken, rabbits, casings, eels, crayfish and honey respectively. All of these technical guidance documents were distributed to local authorities with the annual residue monitoring program together. The sampling could be stochastic and non-scheduled in the implementation of the Official Sampling Procedure.


  Residue monitored regions and their assigned sampling and testing tasks


  Based on the implementation of the residue monitoring program in the previous year, the problems mentioned in the implementation reports and residue monitoring plans for the coming year submitted by regional authorities, AQSIQ makes reasonable adjustment on regional arrangement of the overall sampling and testing tasks.


  For example, sampled regions have expanded from 12 regions in 1999 to the current 32 regions. Chloramphenicol and nitrofurans were added to the sampling plan of 2003. In addition, in view of the increasing positive results in imported products, from 2003 onwards, residue sampling are applied to imported products, mainly in major entry borders/ports in the provinces of Guangdong, Liaoning, Shanghai, Shandong, Tianjin and Shenzhen.



  4.2 Other related assurance measures for residue monitoring


  4.2.1 Setting up expert team for residue monitoring


  AQSIQ has an expert team for residue monitoring who are regularly trained and are responsible for the collection of information on residue limits and methods of analysis, and the studies of measures to be taken for residue monitoring in China. With the development and expansion of residue monitoring work, AQSIQ has cultivated a group of residue monitoring experts who are familiar with the laws and regulations of the EU, the Unite States, Canada, Japan and are accomplished in the administration of residue monitoring, supervision and inspection. AQSIQ also has a group of technical experts accomplished in residue analytic techniques and well informed of latest analytic development.


  4.2.2 Foundation of National Drug Residue Monitoring Committee

  农业部邀请其他有关部门专家,成立全国药物残留监控专家委员会。全国药物残留监控专家委员会根据国内药品使用情况及有关环保监控信息与地方残留监控机构的数据及农、兽药销售和使用等方面信息, 评估残留监控计划的效果及效率,进行必要调整,同时负责与相关国际专业组织进行对话,并负责拟订、审议和修改全国残留年度监控计划、/p>

  Experts from MOA and other relevant departments were organized by MOA to form National Drug Residue Monitoring Committee. The committee is responsible for the evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of residue monitoring plans and making adjustment to the plans if necessary based on the data on domestic drug use, environmental protection, local residue control, and the sale and use of pesticides and veterinary drugs. The committee is also responsible for the dialogues with relevant international organizations, and the draft, examination and revision of annual residue monitoring plans.


  4.2.3 Compilation of relevant regulations and technical documents


  With a view to strengthening residue control and laboratory analysis and providing technical assistance to related establishments, Pesticide and Veterinary Drug MRLs in Foodstuff in Different Countries was compiled and published in November 2002 by AQSIQ.


  In July 2003, AQSIQ compiled and published Collection of Regulations and Circulars on animal origin foodstuff residue monitoring, which was passed down to each directly-affiliated CIQ and related establishment for the purpose of thorough implementation.

  ?病原微生物控制体 (Implementation of Pathogen Control Program)


  5.1 Pathogen Control




  Food Hygiene regulation in China (GMP, SSOP)

  ten hygiene regulation for food establishments for export

  twenty domestic hygiene regulation



  According to relevant hygiene requirements for the registration of food establishments, in China food establishments involved in the production /processing of the following six categories of products must be operated in accordance with HACCP:


  1) Instant frozen food containing meat or aquatic products


  2) meat and meat products


  3) Instant frozen vegetables


  4) fruit/vegetable juice


  5) canned products


  6) Aquatic products (excluding live, fresh and frozen, air-dried, soused products)


  Detection of Pathogen


  1. Pathogen testing laboratories: built and operated in line with ISO/IEC17025; accredited by China Laboratory Accreditation Committee

  2、质量控刵实验室定期进行实验室间的能力验证实验并积极参加实验室认可委员会以及其他国际组织(NATAL, APECAL, CSL)的能力验证实验

  2. Quality Control: inter-laboratory proficiency tests are regularly held. Laboratories are also involved in active participation in proficiency tests organized by Laboratory Accreditation Committee and international institutions like NATAL, APECAL, CSL, etc.

  3、检测方法:国际、地区或国家标准方法如:FDA/BAM 8th、AOAC、ISO、NMKL、GB方法、SN 方法

  3. testing methods: a variety of international, regional or national standard methods like FDA/BAM 8th, AOAC, ISO, NMKL, GB, SN, ect

  4、微生物检测项目:细菌计数、大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、致病性大肠杆?O157:H7) 、单核增生性李斯特氏菌、弯曲杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、志贺氏菌等

  4. testing items: total bacterial count, O157, salmonellae, O157:H7, listeria monocytogenes, genus campylobacter, staphylococcus aureus, Sh.dysenterae ect.

  ? 实验室体?Laboratory Quality Assurance System)


  6.1 Laboratory Construction


  In China there are altogether 8 reference laboratories for residue detection and 31 approved laboratories under AQSIQ, and 22 national key laboratories, 43 regional central laboratories, 6 routine laboratories are involved in animal disease detection.


  There are 2 reference laboratories for residue detection and 32 approved laboratories under MOA.


  6.1.1 reference laboratories


  Responsibilities of Reference Laboratories: setting up and coordinating residue analysis methods and standards; assisting the competent authorities in establishing and carrying out residue monitoring programs; participating in international comparative tests and performance tests; organizing regular comparative tests and performance tests; collecting and transferring information on international residue monitoring; offering domestic or international training programs for analytical staff to improve their analytical skills.


  6.1.2 Approved laboratories


  Responsibilities of Approved Laboratories: presenting assigned testing results; strictly carrying out designated standards, methods or detection limits for residue testing; participating in comparative tests organized by reference laboratories; proposing to reference laboratories on improving testing methods.

  (二)实验室质量管理(Management of Laboratory Quality(/p>


  All laboratories have been accredited by Laboratory Accreditation Committee and have adequate quality control documentation in accordance with ISO/IEC-17025-1997.

  The laboratories are finely staffed with employees who have been trained on residue analysis and are familiar with international standards and practices. The laboratories are also equipped with adequate facilities and documentation to complete assigned analysis projects. The laboratories have good administrative organizations, own latest CRMs and related information, and possess sufficient data processing abilities, are able to rapidly submit statistical data and other information to the competent authorities and at the same time, notifying other laboratories.


  6.2 Laboratory Testing Methods


  6.2.1 Routine Methods of analysis)

  实验室根据检验检疫行政执法和国家残留监控计划的要求使用可用于筛选和确证目的的方法。Laboratories use testing methods in accordance with the laws of inspection and quarantine and the requirements of the national residue monitoring program. Routine methods of analysis must be verified in the laboratory and can be used for the purpose of screening and confirmation.


  (1) Screening Methods: used for the screening of one kind or one class of compounds; the sensitivity can meet the requirement of residue detection. The methods must be suitable for samples of large numbers for potential positive results; specifically designed to avoid false negative results.


  (2) Confirmatory Methods: used for confirmation, which provides full or complementary information for positive results, specifically designed to avoid false positive results. The sensitivity can satisfy the requirements for residue detection.


  6.2.2 Interpretation of Results


  (1) Positive Results: if the presence of a substance that must not be found in the sample is confirmed, the result is regarded as "positive". For substance with an established maximum residue limit, the result of the analysis is considered as positive in case the determined content of the identified compound in the sample is higher than the MRLs (in any calibration).


  (2) Negative Results: if a substance that must not be detected in the sample has proved to be out of existence, the result is regarded as "negative". For substances with established MRLs, the result is regarded as negative in case the content of the compound in the sample is lower than the MRLs.


  6.2.3 Choosing of Methods of Analysis


  Relevant Chinese national standards (GB) or Chinese industrial standards (SN)


  Recognized standard methods, for instance, ISO methods


  Standard Operational Practices (SOP) authorized by competent authorities or institutions.


  6.2.4 Quality Control


  (1) Analytical methods must be approved or validated thoroughly before put into use;


  (2) It has been stipulated that only those who have been examined and qualified can handle sample analysis, calculation, recording and checking of results;


  (3) Use control samples, including certified reference materials (CRM), or other laboratory reference materials calibrated by the standard substances recognized internationally. Samples analyzed each time should be paralleled with quality control samples


  (4) Recovery, linearity and calibration curve should be checked by spiked samples (with target component or internal standard).


  (5) Main testing facilities should meet the requirements of analytical methods, and be verified and maintained regularly.


  (6) Data calculation should be presented in detail. The results must meet statistical quality control requirements.


  Participating in Comparative Tests and Performance Tests


  Although there are few international tests on residue testing performance, quite a lot of CIQ laboratories participated in international comparative tests and performance tests in recent years: 35 laboratories have been accredited by Japanese Ministry of Welfare and Labor; 9 laboratories from Zhejiang and Shanghai took part in tea residue detection performance tests organized by TPA and have been accredited by European Tea Committee; Laboratories from Liaoning, Zhejiang and Shanghai participated in performance tests organized by APLAC; commodity inspection research institutes in Qinhuangdao and Dalian participated in AOAC testing method co-experiment (on items of Clopitol, pyrethroids, etc.) In the meantime, State Laboratory Accreditation Committee frequently organizes nationwide laboratory performance tests, blind sample tests and comparative tests.

  ? 风险预警与快速反应体?Risk alarm and Rapid Response)


  7.1 Object and Scope of Risk alert & Rapid Response Mechanism


  Chemical, physical or biological contaminants that have or may have or have potential hazardous effect on human health, including pathogens, pests, pesticide and drug residues, heavy metal residues, toxins, and animal-derived food products non-compliant with labeling requirements, etc.


  7.2 Contracture of Organization and Management of risk alert


  1) AQSIQ plays a leading role in the management of Risk Alert and Quick Responding System for imported and exported food products of animal origin, with Import and Export Food Safety Bureau taking care of the actual implementation.


  2) Risk Alert and Quick Responding Office (which is under Standards, Law and Regulation Center, known also as Risk Alert Office) deals with daily affairs associated with risk alert.


  3) Provincial/local CIQ designates corresponding bodies to deal with risk alert and quick responding affairs.


  7.3 Risk alert measures


  1) To issue alert notifications to provincial/local CIQ, to strengthen inspection, supervision on specific entry-exit commodities/consignments, and to take effective measures to bring risks, if any, under control.


  2) To release alert notifications reminding domestic and foreign producers and relevant authorities to take proper measures for the purpose of removing or reducing risks.


  3) To publicize alert notifications enhancing consumers' awareness of the risk a certain animal-originated food product may impose.


  7.4 Rapid Response


  7.4.1 Rapid response of Entry-exit inspection and quarantine




  1) Border controls: if non-compliant products are found by CIQ, responding restrictive measures will be taken in line with relevant laws and regulations; if found to be seriously non-compliant, products shall be rejected or destroyed, and the entry/exit of them shall not be allowed.

  2) Routine controls: if non-compliant products are found in routine analysis, the products shall be closely supervised, and follow-up measures like the increase of sampling percentage, testing items and consignments, detaining, mandatory recalls, shall be taken.

  3) When there are reports on hazardous products in a third country, corresponding measures, such as strengthening supervision on the establishments that produce, process or store products that may pose risks; if non-compliance is confirmed, the registration number and/or labeling certificate of animal products for import/export of the establishment(s) will be annulled.


  7.4.2 Emergent Control Measures



  1) Imported/exported animal products that may produce severe hazardous effect will be detained for further analysis, the movement of which shall be restricted until risk assessment is made based on collected information.

  2) Imported/exported animal products that are confirmed to have Class A hazardous effect shall be rejected at border, to be destroyed or recalled; and if necessary, the State Council shall be suggested to take measures to close border post(s) involved.


  7.4.3 Recall Management Procedure


  When exported food products are confirmed to be unsafe or unsuitable for human consumption, the competent authorities shall issue recall notifications to the producers/exporters involved, and coupled with that, export suspension announcements will also be issued. Producers involved, upon the arrival of recall notifications, shall suspend the export of the affected food products within 3 days; exporters involved, upon the arrival of recall notifications, shall start to recall the affected products within 5 days. Recall records shall be kept in line with recall procedure requirements; recall reports shall be submitted to the competent authorities upon the completion of recall procedures. The competent authorities or their designated agencies are responsible for the review and verification of recalls made to ensure its accordance with recall plans.


  Management of Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine

  (一)风险分?.1 Risk Analysis


  Imported meat products must come from non-epizootic disease countries or regions. The competent authority of the countries or regions that intended to export meat products to China should provide information about animal health statue and the outbreak of epizootic disease , complete an animal disease questionnaire.


  8.2 Signing Bilateral Agreement


  The competent authority of exporting country should sign bilateral agreements with General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of P.R.C (AQSIQ ). on importing of meat products.


  8.3 On-site review and registration of foreign establishments


  The export-oriented facilities of foreign countries and regions should apply for registration to Certification and Accreditation Administration of the peoples Republic of China (CNCA ), The imported meat products must come from the facilities that approved by CNCA, and the production of meat products should be put under the supervision of the official inspector

  (四)检验检 (8.4 Inspection and Quarantine )

  1、检疫审 8.4.1 Import Permit


  Base on the statement of article 5 and 10 in Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine, and statement of article 9and 10 in The Regulation for implementation of Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine , The Import Permit System requires whoever imports animal quarantine objects or transports transit quarantine objects shall submit an application, go through the formalities for approval of quarantine and get the Import Permit of Entry Animal and Plant Quarantine of Peoples Republic of China in advance. Some detailed information is in The list of Import Permit of animal and plant quarantine (Announcement No.2, 2002,AQSIQ)

  2、检疫报检Quarantine Declaration


  Quarantine declaration system requires whoever imports and exports inspection and quarantine objects or transports transit inspection and quarantine objects shall apply to relevant entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities in advance on strength of the necessary documents such as Declaration form, the import permit, the health certificate of origin and trade contracts etc.

  3、现场检验检 On-spots Inspection and Quarantine



  On arrival at a port of entry-exit inspection and quarantine objects, the inspection and quarantine authority shall embark on a ship, a vehicle or an airplane to perform quarantine by the Law, including documents check and identity check, and preventive disinfections.

  If necessary, the samples will be taken at random for laboratory tests

  4、实验室检验检 Laboratory Tests


  The items, methods and standards of laboratory tests for Products of Animal Origin for Export & Import are specified in the list of diseases, bilateral quarantine protocol, trade contracts or agreements. The inspection items include Harmful existences( pathogenic microbes, celozoic and ectozoic parasites, insects, weeds and other harmful substance) ;Residues(pesticides and veterinary drug residues, heavy metal, chemical toxins, toxic substances, trace elements) etc.

  5、检验检疫监督Supervision on Inspection and Quarantine


  Inspection and Quarantine supervision requires that the whole process of the production, processing and storage of Products of Animal Origin for Export & Import shall be under the supervision and surveillance.


  Inspection & Quarantine Release and Inspection & Quarantine Treatments



  Inspection Release means the measure shall be taken for the inspection and quarantine objects which have passed the quarantine inspection

  Quarantine treatments means all kinds of measures shall be taken for the inspection and quarantine objects fails to quarantine inspection, including rejection, destruction (killing) and inactivation of harmful organism (by disinfections or fumigation).

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