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  1. 1中华人民共和国食品安全法|2021年修正版(主席令第二十一号)
  2. 2中华人民共和国食品安全法|2021年修正版(主席令第二十一号)
  3. 3" http: law.www.sqrdapp.com show-177940.html" target="_blank">现行有效的各类食品生产许可审查细则汇总(国家层面)?023-08-07更新【font color="red">
  4. 4中华人民共和国食品安全法(主席令第九号)
  5. 5定量包装商品计量监督管理办法(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第75?
  6. 6食品经营许可管理办法|2017修正版(国家食品药品监督管理总局令第17号)
  7. 7餐饮服务食品安全操作规范(国食药监食[2011]395?
  8. 8中华人民共和国传染病防治法|2013年修正版(主席令第十七?
  9. 9中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法|2018年修正版(主席令第四十九号)
  10. 10食品法规:食品药品监管体制改革相关信息汇总?016-02-22更新【/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1116:根据关于植物保护产品投放市场的欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 1107/2009,批准基础物质卵磷?calcium hydroxide),并修订委员会实施条例(EU) No 540/2011(approving the basic substance lecithins, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, and amending the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-14 标签:卵磷脂 杀菋/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1115:根据关于植物保护产品投放市场的欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC) No 1107/2009,更新批准活性物质哒草特(pyridate),并修订委员会实施条例(EU) No 540/2011(renewing the approval of the active substance pyridate in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, and amending the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-14 标签:活性物?/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1114:批准大肠杆菌产生的L-缬氨酸作为饲料添加剂用于所有动物物种,并修订委员会条例(EC) No 403/2009以及实施条例(EU) No 848/2014?EU) No 1236/2014(concerning the authorisation of L-valine produced by Escherichia coli as a feed additive for all animal species and amending Regulation (EC) No 403/2009 and Implementing Regulations (EU) No 848/2014 and (EU) No 1236/2014(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-14 标签:饲料添加剂
    • (EU) 2015/1103:批准?胡萝卜素作为饲料添加剂用于所有动物物种(concerning the authorisation of beta-carotene as a feed additive for all animal species(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-10 标签:饲料添加剂
    • (EU) 2015/1102:就删除欧盟清单中某些香料物质修?EC) No 1334/2008号法规附件一(amending Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards removal from the Union list of certain flavouring substances(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-10 标签:香斘/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1101:就醚唑,氟吡菌胺,氟吡菌酰胺,异皮姆和二甲戊乐灵在某些农产品内部或表面的最大残留限量,修订欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC)No 396/2005的附录II和附录III amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for difenoconazole, fluopicolide, fluopyram, isopyrazam and pendimethalin in or on certain products(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-10 标签:最大残留限 农产 农药
    • (EU) 2015/1080:就药理学活性物质对羟基苯甲酸丙酯及其钠盐,修订(EU) No 37/2010号法规(amending Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 as regards the substance 'propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and its sodium salt'(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-06 标签:残留限 活性物?/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1078:就药理学活性物质氯膦酸(二钠盐的形式),修?EU) No 37/2010号法?amending Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 as regards the substance ‘clodronic acid (in the form of disodium salt)(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-06 标签:残留限 活性物?/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1060:批准无水甜菜碱和甜菜碱盐酸盐作为饲料添加剂用于所有动物物种(concerning the authorisation of betaine anhydrous and betaine hydrochloride as feed additives for all animal species(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-03 标签:饲料添加剂
    • (EU) 2015/1061:批准抗坏血酸,抗坏血酸磷酯酸钠,抗坏血酸磷酸钠钙,抗坏血酸钠,抗坏血酸钙和抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯作为饲料添加剂用于所有动物物种(concerning the authorisation of ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, sodium calcium ascorbyl phosphate, sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and ascorbyl palmitate as feed additives for all animal species(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-03 标签:抗坏血酸棕榈酸 抗坏血 饲料添加剁/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1043:批准橘绿木霉(IM SD135)产生的内切1,4-β-木聚糖酶(EC3.2.1.8)作为饲料添加剂用于鸡育肥,火鸡育肥,蛋鸡,断奶猪仔,猪育肥和小型畜禽品种育肥,并修订法?EC) No 2148/2004?EC) No 828/2007 (EC) No 322/2009(concerning the authorisation of the preparation of endo-1,4-beta-xylanase (EC produced by Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset (IM SD135) as a feed additive for chickens for fattening, turkeys for fattening, laying hens, weaned piglets, pigs for fattening and minor poultry species for fattening and for laying, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2148/2004, (EC) No 828/2007 and (EC) No 322/2009(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-03 标签:饲料添加剂 畜禽
    • (EU) 2015/1041:拒绝批准某些食品健康声称,不涉及降低疾病风险和儿童成长、健康有关的声称(refusing to authorise certain health claims made on foods, other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-03 标签:健康声 疾病风险 玉米黄质 声称 氨基 苹果 提取?/span>
    • (EU) 2015/1040 就嘧菌酯(azoxystrobin), 醚菌胺(dimoxystrobin), 使它隆(fluroxypyr), 甲氧虫酰肼(methoxyfenozide),苯菌酮(metrafenone), 丙炔恶草酮(oxadiargyl)、苯磺隆(tribenuron)在某些农产品中的最大残留限量,修订欧洲议会和理事会条例(EC)No 396/2005的附录二、附录三和附录四(amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for azoxystrobin, dimoxystrobin, fluroxypyr, methoxyfenozide, metrafenone, oxadiargyl and tribenuron in or on certain products(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-03 标签:最大残留限 农产 农药
    • (EU) 2015/1052:拒绝某些涉及降低疾病风险的食品健康声称(refusing to authorise certain health claims made on foods and referring to the reduction of disease risk (/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-02 标签:健康声 食品补充 疾病风险 风险 感染
    • (EU) 2015/1053:批准屎肠球菌DSM10663/10415 NCIMB作为饲料添加剂用于犊牛饲养,仔猪,肉鸡育肥,火鸡育肥,猫和狗,并修订法规 (EC) No 1259/2004, (EC) No 255/2005, (EC) No 1200/2005 ?EC) No 1520/2007(concerning the authorisation of the preparation of Enterococcus faecium DSM 10663/NCIMB 10415 as a feed additive for calves for rearing, piglets, chickens for fattening, turkeys for fattening, cats and dogs and amending Regulations (EC) No 1259/2004, (EC) No 255/2005, (EC) No 1200/2005 and (EC) No 1520/2007(/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-02 标签:饲料添加剂
    • (EU) 2015/1020:批准枯草芽孢杆菌制剂(ATCC PTA-6737)作为蛋鸡和小型家禽物种的饲料添加剂(concerning the authorisation of the preparation of Bacillus subtilis (ATCC PTA-6737) as a feed additive for laying hens and minor poultry species for laying (/b>
      更新日期 : 2015-07-01 标签:饲料添加剂 使用 添加 成分 营养 家禽 畜牧
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