The European Commission asked EFSA to updat its 2011 risk assessment on hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs) in food. HBCDDs, predominantly mixtures of the stereoisomers ? and ‐HBCDD, were widely used additive flame retardants. Co
ncern has been raised because of the occurrence of HBCDDs in the environment, food and in humans. Main targets for toxicity are neurodevelopment, the liver, thyroid hormone homeostasis and the reproductive and immune systems. The Co
nTAM Panel co
ncluded that the neurodevelopmental effects on behaviour in mice can be co
nsidered the critical effects. ba
sed on effects on spo
ntaneous behaviour in mice, the Panel identified a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of 0.9 mg/kg body weight (bw) as the Reference Point, correspo
nding to a body burden of 0.75 mg/kg bw. The chro
nic intake that would lead to the same body burden in humans was calculated to be 2.35 g/kg bw per day. The derivation of a health‐ba
sed guidance value (HBGV) was not co
nsidered appropriate. Instead, the margin of exposure (MOE) approach was applied to assess possible health concerns. Over 6,000 analytical results for HBCDDs in food were used to estimate the exposure across dietary surveys and age groups of the European population. The most im
portant co
ntributors to the chro
nic dietary LB exposure to HBCDDs were fish meat, eggs, livestock meat and poultry. The Co
nTAM Panel co
ncluded that the resulting MOE values support the co
nclusion that current dietary exposure to HBCDDs across European countries does not raise a health concern. An exception is breastfed infants with high milk consumption, for which the lowest MOE values may raise a health concern.