中国农业国际合作促进会关于《地理标志产 房县香菇》等5项标准发布的公告(中农促[2021]028号)

放大字体缩小字体发布日期?021-03-08 来源9a href="" target="_blank">全国团体标准信息平台
核心提示:中国农业国际合作促进会批准《地理标志产 房县香菇》(T/CAI 115?021)、《地理标志产 房县小花菇》(T/CAI 116?021)、《地理标志产 邵武蜜桔》(T/CAI 117?021)、《地理标志产 顺昌干山白》(T/CAI 118?021)、《地理标志产 新民大米》(T/CAI 119?021)五项标准发布,现予公告,并?021??日起实施、/div>
依据《中国农业国际合作促进会协会标准管理办法》的有关规定,经审查,中国农业国际合作促进会批准 《地理标志产 房县香菇》(T/CAI 1152021(/a>?a href="//">《地理标志产 房县小花菇》(T/CAI 1162021(/a>?a href="//">《地理标志产 邵武蜜桔》(T/CAI 1172021(/a>?a href="//">《地理标志产 顺昌干山白》(T/CAI 1182021(/a>?a href="//">《地理标志产 新民大米》(T/CAI 1192021(/a>五项标准发布,现予公告,并自2021??日起实施、/div>
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Standards Management Measures of China Association for the Promotion of Internatio nal Agriculture Cooperation", after review, the CAI standards forProduct of geographical indication- Fangxian mushroom(T/CAI 115-2021), Product of geographical indication- Fangxian small flower mushroom(T/CAI 116-2021),Product of geographical indication- Shaowu tangerine(T/CAI 117-2021),Product of geographical indication- Shunchang Ganshanbai rice(T/CAI 118-2021),Product of geographical indication- Xinmin rice(T/CAI 119-2021)were approved by the China Association for the Promotion of Internatio nal Agriculture Cooperation. These 5 standards will be implemented on March 5, 2021.
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