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【研讨会】“解构FSSC 22000 v5新版标准”研讨会在香港成功举劝/h1>
放大字体缩小字体发布日期?019-07-31 来源:食品伙伴网 作者:食品伙伴网信息服务中忂/div>
核心提示:“解构FSSC 22000 v5新版标准”研讨会在香港成功举劝/div>
2019??9日,由Lloyd's Register英国劳氏主办?ldquo;解构FSSC 22000 v5新版标准研讨会在香港九龙香格里拉酒店成功举办。来自全国及港澳台地区的数十家企事业单位及个人参加了本次研讨会、br />
另外,在本次研讨会上,FSSC 22000中国代表及英国劳氏资深审核员分享了FSSC 22000第五版的发展趋势及重点要求并同时分享了BRC食品第八版的简介,食品业界人氏分享了ISO 22000实践案例、食品追踪、区块链在食品安全管理上的应用等、/span>

On July 29, 2019, Food Safety Seminar on Interpretation of FSSC 22000 Version 5 was successfully held in Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong. Enterprises, institutions and individuals from China Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan Area have participated in this seminar.
Foodmate was invited by the organiser, Lloyd's Register (LR), as a speaker to attend the seminar and gave a speech on China Food im port Regulation. Ms. Emily Xu, the overseas project manager, spoke at the seminar, introduced the current food safety regulatory f ramework in China, im port regulations and processes.
In addition, representative from FSSC 22000 China Liaison Office ans senior food assessor from LR gave speeches on interpretation and development trend of FSSC 22000 Version 5 as well as the introduction of new BRC Food issue 8. Other topics, such as How ISO 22000 help to create food safety culture, Supply chain technology on food safety control, and Benefits of deploying block chain technology in food industry were also discussed on the seminar.
These speeches attracted great interest of participants, also triggered heated discussions and communications.
For the agenda of the seminar


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