Germany released investigation report on alternaria toxin in tomato products from 2017 to 2023


On 15 February 2024, Germany released the Investigation Report on alternaria toxin in tomato products from 2017 to 2023 with the following key points:

A total of 251 samples of tomato products (tomato paste and canned tomatoes, tomato juice, etc.) were examined for mycotoxins by the German Chemical and Veterinary Inspection Authority (CVUA) in 2017-2023, of which 70 samples were tomato paste, 61 samples were canned tomatoes, 56 samples were tomato juice, 36 samples were tomato soup and 24 samples were dried tomato soup products.

Of the 251 samples of tomato products, 20 samples (about 8 per cent) were found to contain alternaria toxin above the guideline value. Samples containing concentrated tomatoes and a high proportion of food, such as tomato paste or dried tomato products, had a higher rate of contamination and higher amount of alternaria toxin contamination. Other mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin or ochratoxin A, were rarely found in samples of tomato products, and in general, contamination with alternaria toxin is of particular importance for tomato products, which will continue to be investigated by the CVUA in the coming years.

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