ࡱ> `!3IK:TK6 HPzD[3x[kLWXJ)Bi(TK-ZV+ (*DS`kR!G?&m C?&i ZAXV!b|%g4d{_<\yd̽s <#(*rpXŢj%C7~_RLIRb}+ ?Y_r4#84(Z `N(arE@E+5`pM9<{`oI p4KpHz.A\uEl-!b`Z;"6kokR SNiK͇Y5snepP37C@,z5sf9~tU/7K?گvn:Yk)f-xhbmu 㱏H˪g|z3.*i.(*f\zz('++7lM#G~O;9O)ʩg XNZJdܷ8dkS) X{!6;BQh R93D@.9 磙U˜R@10hs}n<`jk9E9^˪0;'dwɫ?%>ՙJ}GkYFϹBȜrl*3@>(6UY$%-A r -sWmixx&lM8v&sCkfHrx h0]c5z:ze1X 5Y] =]Oh.CHi^ku"fUwI^{l޿p:`n{5 zH@=@" IYi?Iu Nvr_M ح*2zd !q-2z7y\EF YrqdgTnܥ)HFOȣ]SG.FPȇć42yFO"$[lݸA[L&܂̬M߲_o#f 8+簛u)0_xv81Ra̧HQ?z덢gut&!q*^3:ʜ+TN=fbi*ʉ +o|۱u:e:aKTM p#XEs0Q7p:kr֐LOus7#O\Sc^g]DKɿ"b{<@z!%sYsx;ܟVUV@ELw$;~Q&4~Pew0D.`tNAf}ijO>VNJ4R HdXdX"yD(M4bTyEhC#Nʤayy+/Ms_e*h8992sJ4'd4I*SAi?9sujm6߀6Pd$s9rE|2/ vu [x?S___PPT9 !? %rA)B*D+ +E,F-K/L0dO3N2P4eR5X:W8pFe:gvvutR  (   a=rEk@wG{J|K}L/GIJQTUuvy~#$3456  ` ̙33` ` ff3333f` 333MMM` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> ^V(    6` P  PUSQdkYkHrh7h_     0   8USQdkYkHre,g7h_ ,{N~ ,{ N~ ,{V~ ,{N~    0 ``  V*   0# `   X*   0& `   X*   s *"@U !0!02  s *"@N !0!0B  s *޽h ? ̙f33  ؞!jg0 tl$(  $ $ 0d P   d T*   $ 0d    d V*  d $ c $ ?  d $ 0d  @ d 8USQdkYkHre,g7h_ ,{N~ ,{ N~ ,{V~ ,{N~   $ 6ld `P  d T*   $ 6  `  d V*  H $ 0޽h ? ̙33$3  d(    S ;   d,{Nz _uirv%{Q '03    0 ?  F%{Qir(_uir:NNuX[1\_{NsX-N8TSTyir(NTb~ހir(0cOϑNS(WeHN"-Nw\O(u0ُNir(1\y:N%{Qir(0 %{Qvi_ g:gSO8TST)R(u%{Qir(vǏ z0hW(f;fW   <4G6=   @  00I  f,{N _uirv%{QBl ,{N _uirv%{Q{|W ,{ N %{Qir(v荜Џ ,{V W{QW,4 3&*   &   0N 0m pMicrobial Nutrition  2' 3  H  0޽h ? ̙33R 0(    S P   d,{N _uirv%{QBl 03    0L@  HN0_uir~ހvSf[~b N0%{Qir(SvQutR N0_uirv%{Q{|W% 2% %   0` < 2    s *hP` ,Nutritional Requirements of Microbial Cells (- 2+  ,  H  0޽h ? ̙334   @  t (      s *   nN0 _uir~ހvSf[~b" #$    0`' 2N Sf[CQ }(chemical element): 'YϑCQ }(macroelement):x0"l0'l0.l0 x0kx00A00vQ-NMRmQy`S~̃~ހr^͑v97% 0 _ϑCQ }(trace element): 0000/l00Rx00ܔ00M 0|x0 d(6(' %7%%!%      "           0p 0  < 2  b @0   #"r@   <?9 0 $ x 50 49.8 47.9 .l 15 12.4 5.2 "l 8 6.7 6.7 'l 20 31.1 40.2 x 3   kx 1     @`R   <xÛ?@09  z CQ } ~̃ uk̃ ̃ >>>  @``B   0o ?@0@ZB   s *1 ?9 09 `B   0o ?0`B   0o ?@`B   0o ?0@0   0˛00 * 6 h4 1 _uir~ހ-NQy;NCQ }v+Tϑr^͑ * 2 H   0޽h ? ̙33 P4-(  4 4 S ֛P   pThe Major Elements     4 0Lݛ 0  At an elementary level, the nutritional requirements of a bacterium such as E. coli are revealed by the cell's elemental composition, which consists of C, H, O, N, S. P, K, Mg, Fe, Ca, Mn, and traces of Zn, Co, Cu, and Mo. These elements are found in the form of water, inorganic ions, small molecules, and macromolecules which serve either a structural or functional role in the cells. The general physiological functions of the elements are outlined in the Table below. & 2LdO  f       ! !0H 4 0޽h ? ̙33I `(    S \P   kTrace Elements    x  0`u tTrace Elements Trace elements are metal ions required by certain cells in such small amounts that it is difficult to detect (measure) them, and it is not necessary to add them to culture media as nutrients. Trace elements are required in such small amounts that they are present as "contaminants" of the water or other media components. As metal ions, the trace elements usually act as cofactors for essential enzymatic reactions in the cell. One organism's trace element may be another's required element and vice-versa, but the usual cations that qualify as trace elements in bacterial nutrition are Mn, Co, Zn, Cu, and Mo. 4u 2VL  ;    H  0޽h ? ̙33 f^p$(  $ $ S    lN CQ }(W~ހQX[(Wb__'$  $ 0؎`b  NCQ };NN4l0 g:gir0e:gvvb__X[(WN~ހ-N 1 g:girˆ}v(0|0{|08hx0 ~u }SvQM㉧Nir. 2e:gir1)SN g:gir~b 2)USrX[(WN~ހ(QNe:gvvb__X[(W. 304l~`S~ހ;`͑70%^90% N8ny4lT~T4l$Nyb__X[(W 8ny4lr^͑lSKm_ ~T4l NfS0 NQ~0_N Nn, `S4l;`ϑv17% 28% 0 z 2k n<4 <230v<Z%% H $ 0޽h ? ̙33  N F ( (  ( ( S (p   z" N _uir~ހSf[~b+TϑvSS&#   f `< ( #" ~ ( <?/ `< ( ˆ}v( 50~80 32~75 14~15 `S ~ x4lSTir 12~28 27~63 7~40 ހ r^  5~20 2~15 4~40 ͑ v 8hx 10~20 6 ~ 8 1 % e:gv 2~30 3.8~7 6~12 0F  @` ( <Ĭ?P`/   4lR 75~85 70~80 85~90 `S~ހ͑v% VVV  @`Z ( <?`P  ;NbR ~̃ uk̃ ̃BBB  @``B ( 0o ?`ZB ( s *1 ?P`PZB  ( s *1 ?/ `/ `B  ( 0o ?<`<`B  ( 0o ?<`B  ( 0o ?``< ( 0 n h4 2 _uir~ހvSf[~b 2  ( 0t Hdk~bSṼyvy{|0̃0W{QW~b0W{QagN0RgelI{ g@b N T0<%#%%% H ( 0޽h ? ̙33 t:(  t t S Ƅ   tRg~ހ g:g0e:gbRve_&f(   t 0ʄ@`   g:gbR 1. Sf[lvcbc-----['`0[ϑRg 2. 4xx~ހ _N~ހ~g----Sf[Rg e:gbR ~ހ----550!----ppR----['`0[ϑRg j n< 2c(c;cCc(c c  ck H t 0޽h ? ̙33 tl<(  < < S 0؄P   fN0%{Qir(SvQutR %3   < 0ۄ   (xn .ln e:gv uVP[ 4l"(*   H < 0޽h ? ̙33 @(  @ @ s *re    *N 0xnCarbon source " &     @ 0kd F %[INQS(ueggb~ހir(bN"Nir-Nx }egnv%{Qir(04$ 2''$  @ 0oP0C  ` %RcOTb~ހir(SN"irvSe;v^:Nte*Nut;mRcO@bn_{Q_uir 0 %y{|: e:g+TxSTirYCO2TxxvI{0 g:g+TxSTir|N|vMuirY|Ym|0 v0s||I{t|US| ,{|0 {|0 g:gx0p{|0eSTir NSTy+T.lvSTir0x7 2x%$%-~%D.    ~ H @ 0޽h ? ̙33!   ,9Z (  Pz  x 9 #"2&xBD " <?q ux NaHCO30CaCO30I{`    @` ! <?Zuq  zNaHCO3.   @`   <<?nuZ gCOX   @`  <4?q @xu wCO2.   @`  <X?Z@q u wCO2.   @`  <x%?n@Zu eCO   @`  <-?q x@ f   @`  <5?Z q @ f   @`  <=?n Z@ fC(?)   @`  <D??  n je:gx  @`  <P?q x  ")Y6ql0wlSvQ N TN0w!lI{  @`  <b?Z q  hp{|  @`  <8\?n Z  eCH   @`  <<?q # x  a|0|0Tym|0|I{  @`  <?Z# q  z|0 g:gx00{|I{     @`  <X?n# Z  gCHO   @`  <?q Jx#  vN,(lWx0fI{     @`   <H?ZJq #  |Ype(lWx0{USˆ}v(I{     @`   <?nJZ#  iCHON   @`   < "?q pxJ ~[r0ˆ}v0u||I{  @`   <)?Zpq J v YBgˆ}v(08hxI{     @`  <+?npZJ k CHONX     @`  < :? pn  l g:gx  @`  <;?q xp x W{QWSe4ls^     @`  <J?Zq p ~ STir4ls^  @`  <E?nZp lCQ }4ls^  @`  <Y? np h{|W  @``B # 0o ? xZB $ s *1 ? pxpZB ( s *1 ?  x `B + 0o ? x`B , 0o ?  ZB - s *1 ?nnZB . s *1 ?ZZZB / s *1 ?q q `B 0 0o ?xxZB 2 s *1 ?nJxJZB 3 s *1 ?n# x# ZB 4 s *1 ?n x ZB 5 s *1 ?n@x@ZB 6 s *1 ?nuxu 8 S ^0   dh4-4 _uirvxn1$ H  0޽h ? ̙334 2*L(  L L S X   _uir]NSu-N(uZPxnvSe0$ff&$ff  L 0X&0Y < O~y{||{|US| t| m|ss||0q\|0Αu iir m|I{ v Tys||I{ N|Su~~ }0wl0CO20H2 jD  2?&=   H L 0޽h ? ̙33# XPH(  H H 0mpW .SN(u\O mqGPUSހ̃/UNxnvSTir g: x4lSTirSvQMuir19y x11y Nx9y vQ[ g:gx12y /O3y (lWx12y vQ[.lSTir13y e.lsrSTir9y<a &L$a  H 0p F 2&ff  l H 0R _uir N T )R(u N+TxSTirvR N T YGPUSހ̃^\-NvgNySN)R(u90yN Nv N T{|Wvxnir( gN2uW%{QW~̃S)R(u2ub2upI{NxSTirۏLu0 .WRW H H 0޽h ? ̙33 P((  P P 0A`@  Q(ueggb̃SOir(bN"Nir-N.l }egnv%{Qn0 y{|e:g.lv0]xxv0N]xxv0 ?\ }0 (l0N2I{ g:g.lˆ}v(SvQM㉧NirY00 (lWxI{ 0[r0||0u||0 ĞF||0ss|FmI{ R 1 cOTb~ހ-N+T.lir Yˆ}v(08hx NS+T.lN"irI{vSe 2 \pe~̃SNv0]xxvI{.ln:Nn01 ^ 29 n<%%!%-I%%ff-%%(?   LB P@ c $D`0LB P c $D0 0 P S    0N .lnNitrogen source N' # (   H P 0޽h ? ̙335 $,C(  5r P0\  + #"*|STS   <? 0\  hzzl  @`  < ?` \  vN2.   @`  <? `\  cN   @`  <? 0   KNO3I{>   @`  <0ɂ?`   l]xxvI{  @`  <Ђ? `  eNO   @`H  <h܂?l 0  (NH4)2SO4I{` &    @`  <?`l   NH30vI{>   @`  <md?l `  eNH   @`  <0  [r0uk0|||0|I{  @`   <Kd?`> v YBgˆ}v(08hxI{     @`  < .d?>` k NCHOX     @`  <\`d?P>l  l g:g.l  @`  < ?0> rW{QWSe4ls^  @`  <$ ?`> n STir4ls^  @`  < ?`> p CQ }4ls^  @`  < ?P> h{|W  @``B  0o ?P0ZB  s *1 ?P>0>ZB  s *1 ?Pl 0l `B ! 0o ?P\ 0\ `B " 0o ?PP\ ZB # s *1 ?\ ZB $ s *1 ?``\ ZB % s *1 ?\ `B & 0o ?00\ ZB ( s *1 ?0ZB ) s *1 ? 0 ZB * s *1 ? 0  , S  P   h h 4 5 _uirv.ln1  H  0޽h ? ̙33 $   \D (  \f \ 0 т   6]xxvNO3 NH4+ (2 2&    \ 0  [[8^(uve:g.ln gxx0]xxv0kxx0?\ }0ˆ}v0[r00ukI{0uN N8^(uv.ln g]xxv0v0?\ }0(lNSˆ}v+Tϑؚv||0|0ĞF||0u|N0ss|FmI{0 ˆ}v.l_{Ǐ4lKNTMb00(lWxI{Mb:gSO)R(u ُy.lnSߏHe.ln0 e:g.lnbNˆ}v(M㉧Nirb__X[(Wv g:g.lnSNvc̃SO8T6e)R(u ُy.lnSZPHe.ln0 He.ln 8^ g)RN:gSOvu ߏHe.ln g)RNN"Nirvb_b0 f(233`'8/'ff  \ 6|#h@  8 v (lWx eQހ ~ހir( ˆ}v  2  \ 0' `& `F | | 0Z    \ 0&  jR eQހ ~ހir( 2  \ 0@/  R[v 2 x \ B?"P RB  \ s *DP RB  \ s *D RB  \ s *Dpx  \ B?"p RB  \ s *D` ` ` RB \ s *D` @`  \ 0l3@ `  R[v 2 RB \ s *D` ` ` H \ 0޽h ? ̙33&  |f(  | | 6A p p d (   | s *I @@ `    ;CK | TK? ?"  } utx_vTutx_v"      F 0 | @p   | 6T p  D(NH4)2SO4 2NH4+ + SO42- eQހ pH#  2     ;CKB | TD?"zxT p  |#     | B?"p B  | ND?"   | TY? ?"    ".K+Na+ + NO3- eQހ pH  &   |;CKB  | Tm? ?"@ 1   KNO3 NaNO3H    ;CK  | T? ?"@ 0 f6NH4NO3 NH4+(HQeQހ)+ NO3-(TeQހ)  4      ;CKB | TD?"0 $0 B | TD?" B | TD?" B | TD?"@B | TD?" F pF B | TD?"P ` P RB | s *D PP H | 0޽h ? ̙33  0tL(  t t s *re   , N e:gvinorganic salt #(   t 0 `  0[IN:N_uir~ހucOx0.lnNYvYy͑CQ }Sb'YϑCQ }T_ϑCQ } vir( YNe:gvvb__qQ~0 'YϑCQ }P0S0K0Mg0Ca0Na0Fe _uiru@bSm^(W10-3~10-4mol/L _ϑCQ }Cu0Zn0Mn0Mo0Co _uiru@bSm^(W10-6~10-8mol/L 0Z 2[$,$,($,$,$<            t 0   p N,_uiru@bve:gv gkxxv0xxv0/lSirNS+T g00A0I{ё^\CQ }vSTir09 299 H t 0޽h ? ̙33 ` z(     0Nm   m N F @   @    NOm? ?"  v e :g v0P Jv~>  NSm? ?"pp 'Yϑ CQ } _ϑ CQ }> 8Z88P Jv~6  N\m? ?"P  lN,R yrkR vvo;mBRCu2+0Mn2+0Zn2+I{ yrkRP[~gbRCo0MoI{  0Z020Z00ZF      Jv~R  Nem? ?"`  4 ~cnS utir( vvo;mBR pHv3z[8F*   s{  r  N|m? ?" 0  `S{Q̃vn(S0Fe2+0NH4+0NO2-) e'l|T8Tev"lSSO(NO3-0SO42-)8P8Z 8        ( 0 r   HH'?"p r   HH"?" r   HH+?" p @ r   HHV*?"vj r   HHV*?"  0:  <\m?"` @ 2~ހQN,RP[bR(YP S Ca Mg FeI{)(2*     EE55r  HHV*?"`H  0޽h ? 33ff3fh6 @(    NA ??"   s *   ^e:gCQ }vegnTR "$  H  0޽h ? ̙336 Pv(    s *re`   0V uVP[growth factor *#(# &     0@PB,$D 0 [IN:/fN{|[_uirck8^u;m@b NS:\ ϑS N'Y FO_uirꁫ N(u{USvxnb.lnTb bTbϑ NNn:gSOuv g:g%{Qir(0 N T_uirBlvuVP[vy{|Tpeϑ N T0,\i$Y$\ V  0LP0,$D 0 @:ONTbuVP[Rv_uiry:N %{Q:wW _uir0 P! 2%% %!   0= Icategories: Growth factors are organized into three categories: 4J 2  =@     0XP0  1. purines and pyrimidines: required for synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) 2. amino acids: required for the synthesis of proteins 3. vitamins: needed as coenzymes and functional groups of certain enzymes J 2< -@N       H  0޽h ? ̙330 `p(  8  0d ` geSsvuVP[/f~u } vMR]~SsY~u }wuVP[v\O(u0~u }'YR/fgbvvWbv ϑ_\ FO/f:\~u }_uir Nck8^u0 gN_uir:ONb'N1YTbgybgN(lWxvv @bN NTbu@b_v(lWx ُ{|_uiry:N (lWx:wW 0 OYf2Ns̃leuconostoc mesenteroides 8^8^1uYnO~Yy(lWxMbu0 SY gN_uiru؏vQ[yrkvbR OYgNsNxFg̃u8hgNuk̃Tw̃ugNpt̃uƀxI{0p0x#E8x#!% !!Y!6   Y H  0޽h ? ̙33 p(     0 ` ,9hnc_uir[uVP[vX[(W]_ SR:NN 2g  g g    0   l1. ΑuW(wild type) S{QW NuVP[ (WW@xW{QW Nuṽ*h 2. %{Q:wW(auxotroph) 1uNSbSzSI{SVNΑu W̃*hNuvcOyr[u }ir (Mbuṽ*h y0n<Z 2g g g'gg  g ' *g&\   )     + H  0޽h ? ̙33 xp(    0Pp@  :4lvutR P80 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.0 n<!(     S 0   LN 4lwater   H  0޽h ? ̙33}  - %  (    6x @ b((    s *ptd @Pp y 0      F P0  0PC  H,d?"P^  tQyuirv 8ny4l+Tϑ,8P28(2   r  TH&?"p 0  H\xd?"P v  (NSO~60% wm~96% _uirH(28<2(282 r  N?"pM      H`md?" G |b[P[ %{QSO<8Z28282    Hd?" @  z ̃b[P[~39% ~̃b[* 8n2(2 r   N?" =    H|d?"M   xvB\~70% 8h_gNO,8F282 r   TH?"p}  r  N?"@    Hd?" - 0 |.~̃~80% uk~75% ̃~85%8F2   0d0q d%4l(W~ހ-N g$NyX[(Wb__ ~T4lT8ny4l. % N T~ހS N T~ހ~g-N8ny4lv+Tϑ g'Y]+R3 23"3 H  0޽h ? ̙33     , (    0\d (%_uir[4lv z^4l[_uiruvq_T 8^(usXbW( -Nv4l;m^6,(  ,X , C $   j6 , S j$ @T  j<4___PPT9 4lN8ny4lT~T4l$Nyb__X[(W ~`S~ހ;`͑70%^90% 8ny4lr^͑lSKm_0 ~T4l NfS0 NQ~0_N Nn, `S4l;`ϑv17% 28% 0Yb[0 b[P[-N. p( <2 v<@0v<Zu'v H , 0޽h ? ̙330 jb4(  4X 4 C $   jb 4 S Lj$ @  j The Major Elements At an elementary level, the nutritional requirements of a bacterium such as E. coli are revealed by the cell's elemental composition, which consists of C, H, O, N, S. P, K, Mg, Fe, Ca, Mn, and traces of Zn, Co, Cu, and Mo. These elements are found in the form of water, inorganic ions, small molecules, and macromolecules which serve either a structural or functional role in the cells. The general physiological functions of the elements are outlined in the Table below. L 2Mpb  f       !0H 4 0޽h ? ̙3310 8(  8X 8 C $   j 8 S Pj$ @  j Trace Elements Table 1 ignores the occurrence of trace elements in bacterial nutrition. Trace elements are metal ions required by certain cells in such small amounts that it is difficult to detect (measure) them, and it is not necessary to add them to culture media as nutrients. Trace elements are required in such small amounts that they are present as "contaminants" of the water or other media components. As metal ions, the trace elements usually act as cofactors for essential enzymatic reactions in the cell. One organism's trace element may be another's required element and vice-versa, but the usual cations that qualify as trace elements in bacterial nutrition are Mn, Co, Zn, Cu, and Mo. N 2KVTb  ;    H 8 0޽h ? ̙3300 0X$(  XX X C $   j X S 0j$ @  j &(Wxnir(-N|{|/fN,_uirg^l)R(uvxn vQ!k/f{|0 g:gxT{|I{0(W|{|-N US|܀NS|TY|0 vMR(WSu]N-N(uZPxnvir(;N/f|{|ir( sSUS|0t|0m|ss||0q\|0Αu iirm|I{ 0v0Tys||I{0SY VQY_U\NN~~ }0wl0CO2T H2I{\O:NxnNnegW{Q_uirvN|Suvyf[xvz. vMR])R(uwlbwlNT\O:NxneguN(lWx0~u }0v0 g:gx08hx0bu }Nv6RBRI{Ty g(uNT )R(u~~ }vxvzNvbS_Y0 SY gN gkv+Txir(Y0lSir0ZI{_NgN~̃RN)R(u SN)R(uُ{|~̃egYt[N ;N(WsO N^(u0 _uir N T )R(u N+TxSTirvR N T YGPUSހ̃^\-NvgNySN)R(u90yN Nv N T{|Wvxnir( gN2uW%{QW~̃S)R(u2ub2upI{NxSTirۏLu0 ('/'/'' R F     H X 0޽h ? ̙33/0  dF(  dX d C $   j d S j$ @  j H22. Nutrition a. Water Used to dissolve materials to be transported across the cytoplasmic membrane. b. Carbon Required for the construction of all organic molecules. Autotrophs use inorganic carbon (CO2) as their carbon source, while heterotrophs use organic carbon. Organism Carbon Source Energy Source Chemoautotrophs CO2 Inorganic Compounds Chemoheterotrophs Organic compounds Inorganic Compounds Photoautotrophs CO2 Light Photoheterotrophs Organic Compounds Light c. Nitrogen Obtained from an inorganic source e.g. Nitrogen gas (N2) Nitrate (NO3), Nitrite(NO2), and Ammonia (NH3), or from an organic source e.g. Proteins, broken down to amino acids. Many organisms use nitrogen gas by nitrogen fixation to produce ammonia. d. Oxygen Required for aerobic respiration and energy production. Organisms are classified according to their gaseous requirements - Obligate aerobes, Microaerophilics, Facultative anaerobes, Obligate anaerobes and Aerotolerant anaerobes. e. Other nutrients Required in small amounts are Iron, Sulfur, Phosphorus and Minerals. 5N O   H& L   M   ;   >    (       /   d  H d 0޽h ? ̙33\40 `h(  hX h C $   m h S m$ @  m 8Nˆ}v(b__X[(Wv.ln N_uirvc8T6e)R(u _{Ǐ_uirRlvހYˆ}v4lv\ˆ}v(RKNTMb)R(u0(WĞF||0u||̑@b+Tv.lR;N/fNˆ}v(vb__X[(W ُyˆ}v.l_{Ǐ4lKNTMb00(lWxI{Mb:gSO)R(u ُy.lnSߏHe.ln0 e:g.lnbNˆ}v(M㉧Nirb__X[(Wv g:g.lnSZPHe.ln OYkxx-Nv.lN؏S`.lb__X[(W SNvc̃SO8T6e)R(u ˆ}v(vM㉧Niryr+R/f(lWxvcSNǏl(l\O(uI{e_:gSO)R(u0 He.ln 8^/f g)RN:gSOvu ߏHe.ln g)RNN"Nirvb_b0(W]NSuǏ z-N __/f\He.lnNߏHe.ln cN[vkO6RbmT.lnR0RW{QW̑ Nc6R_uirvuegNN"Nirb_bgvw 0RcؚNϑvvv0 e:g.lnbNˆ}v(M㉧Nirb__X[(Wv g:g.lnSZPHe.ln OYkxx-Nv.lN؏S`.lb__X[(W SNvc̃SO8T6e)R(u ˆ}v(vM㉧Niryr+R/f(lWxvcSNǏl(l\O(uI{e_:gSO)R(u0 He.ln 8^/f g)RN:gSOvu ߏHe.ln g)RNN"Nirvb_b0(W]NSuǏ z-N __/f\He.lnNߏHe.ln cN[vkO6RbmT.lnR0RW{QW̑ Nc6R_uirvuegNN"Nirb_bgvw 0RcؚNϑvvv D 2' ' H h 0޽h ? ̙3380 H(  X  C $   m  S 8m$ @  m JN,_uiru@bve:gv gkxxv0xxv0/lSirNS+T g00A0I{ё^\CQ }vSTir0 R10gb~ހ~g~R 20\O:Nv~Rb;mSBR 30SNϑ ObcOn 40~c~g3z['` 50nS0 1(2L 0s(21' &' &' &' &'  H  0޽h ? ̙33HE0 (  X  C $   m  S Ȯm$ @  m XGrowth Factors This simplified scheme for use of carbon, either organic carbon or CO2, ignores the possibility that an organism, whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph, may require small amounts of certain organic compounds for growth because they are essential substances that the organism is unable to synthesize from available nutrients. Such compounds are called growth factors. Growth factors are required in small amounts by cells because they fulfill specific roles in biosynthesis. The need for a growth factor results from either a blocked or missing metabolic pathway in the cells. Growth factors are organized into three categories. 1. purines and pyrimidines: required for synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) 2. amino acids: required for the synthesis of proteins 3. vitamins: needed as coenzymes and functional groups of certain enzymes Some bacteria (e.g E. coli) do not require any growth factors: they can synthesize all essential purines, pyrimidines, amino acids and vitamins, starting with their carbon source, as part of their own intermediary metabolism. Certain other bacteria (e.g. Lactobacillus) require purines, pyrimidines, vitamins and several amino acids in order to grow. These compounds must be added in advance to culture media that are used to grow these bacteria. The growth factors are not metabolized directly as sources of carbon or energy, rather they are assimilated by cells to fulfill their specific role in metabolism. Mutant strains of bacteria that require some growth factor not needed by the wild type (parent) strain are referred to as auxotrophs. Thus, a strain of E. coli that requires the amino acid tryptophan in order to grow would be called a tryptophan auxotroph and would be designated E. colitrp-. Some vitamins that are frequently required by certain bacteria as growth factors are listed in Table 3. The function(s) of these vitamins in essential enzymatic reactions gives a clue why, if the cell cannot make the vitamin, it must be provided exogenously in order for growth to occur. gN_{QW_uir1uN1YSNbN*g gǏ TbNybYy~b~ހ@b_v g:gSTirvR Vdk _{1uYncOُN g:gSTirMbu \ُNir(~y:NuVP[ vQ-NSb~u }0(lWx0 VdTT'VvUSvQMuir0>u0 {|0xI{I{0 y{|~u }0xW0_SIUSvQMuir0>u0{|0C4~C6vR/ebvx0(lWx ^ v 2,F< -S  y$v'               G                  #    %    H  0޽h ? ̙33G0 P(  X  C $   m  S m$ @  m R4lR/fuir~ހv;NSf[bR vQ͑vutRhs(W NRQ*Neb 1. ~ހvgbbR 2.N|RutuSS^vS^N( 3.SNYutuSS^ 4. gHe0Wc6R~ހQv)n^SS 4lvutR 1 _uirSOQYvnZ0 2 4l/fSu(SOv~g~R v^SN~ހ QYuSS^0 3 4lwQ Op_ kpؚ p[ϑ'YI{irt'` ( g)RN~ހ)n^TOcsX)n^ 3z[0 \ 28 n<40n<n[#'K# H  0޽h ? ̙336*0 (  X  C $     S _j$ @   X&&Nutritional Requirements of Cells Every organism must find in its environment all of the substances required for energy generation and cellular biosynthesis. The chemicals and elements of this environment that are utilized for bacterial growth are referred to as nutrients or nutritional requirements. In the laboratory, bacteria are grown in culture media which are designed to provide all the essential nutrients in solution for bacterial growth. &&&& BASIC NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS All life has the same BASIC NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS which include: A SOURCE OF ENERGY. This may be light (the sun or lamps) or inorganic substances like sulfur, carbon monoxide or ammonia, or preformed organic matter like sugar, protein, fats etc. Without energy life can not exist and quickly dies or becomes inactive. A SOURCE OF NITROGEN. This may be nitrogen gas, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, or a nitrogenous organic compound like protein or nucleic acid. A SOURCE OF CARBON. This can be carbon dioxide or monoxide, methane, carbon monoxide, or complex organic material A SOURCE OF OXYGEN. All cells use oxygen in a bound form and many require gaseous oxygen (air), but oxygen is lethal to many microbes. A SOURCE OF PHOSPHOROUS, SULFUR, MAGNESIUM, POTASSIUM & SODIUM. A SOURCE OF CALCIUM. Most cells require calcium in significant quantities, but some seem to only need it in trace amounts. A SOURCE OF WATER. All life requires liquid water in order to grow and reproduce; which is why the Mars Mission is so interested in water on Mars. Some resting stages of cells, like #bacterial spores, can exist for long periods without free water, but they do not grow or metabolize. A SOURCE OF MINERALS LIKE IRON, ZINC, COBALT ETC. These are called TRACE metals that are required by some enzymes to function. You will learn about their role in #Chap. VII. The sources of these various requirements DEFINES AN ORGANISM, so a description of every organism should include this information. Many bacteria can synthesize every complex molecule they need from the BASIC MINERALS, but others, said to be FASTIDIOUS, require PREFORMED organic molecules like vitamins, amino acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates; humans are fastidious. In general bacterial pathogens need more PREFORMED ORGANIC MOLECULES than do nonpathogens, but that is not always true. For example some bacteria that are found in milk hardly make any of their own basic organic molecules, that is they let the cow (or more to the point the #microbes that live in the cow's gut) make these things for them. A simple rule of thumb is "if humans can use something for food, many microbes will also love it". The reverse is not always as true as microbes can "digest" some very strange substances including cellulose, sulfur, some plastics, turkey feathers and asphalt, to name just a few. - # + c  o)w(  X qE  k          R  !05E!0@I!0 H  0޽h ? ̙33<20 P(  X  C $   j  S j$ @  j _uir N T )R(u N+TxSTirvR N T YGPUSހ̃^\-NvgNySN)R(u90yN Nv N T{|Wvxnir( gN2uW%{QW~̃S)R(u2ub2upI{NxSTirۏLu0 _uir)R(uxnir(wQ g b'`0 N Ty{|_uir)R(uxnir(vR_N g]+R0 Z[(& 2R &&ff H  0޽h ? ̙3350 NF(  X  C $   mF  S D'm$ @  m 8&Ype_uirSN)R(ue:g+T.lSTir\O:N.ln _NSN)R(u g:g+T.lSTir\O:N.ln0FO gN_uirl g\e:g.lTb g:g.lvR [N Nb?\ }0vI{ُNe:g.lnLTbNNu@bv(lWx NYLu8T6esbv(lWx\O:N.lnMbu ُ{|_uirSZP(lWx_{QW_uir _NS%{Q:wW0 He.ln___uir)R(uvir( g)R ÑSOu. Ykx0ss|FmI{0(uNSuMRg0 ߏHe.ln_uir)R(u^bavir( g )RNN"ir(b_b0 Yu||0ĞF||I{0(uNS uTg0 Nˆ}v(b__X[(Wv.ln N_uirvc8T6e)R(u _{Ǐ_uirRlvހYˆ}v4lv\ˆ}v(RKNTMb)R(u0(WĞF||0u||̑@b+Tv.lR;N/fNˆ}v(vb__X[(W ُyˆ}v.l_{Ǐ4lKNTMb00(lWxI{Mb:gSO)R(u ُy.lnSߏHe.ln0 v(2 2z3#'  H  0޽h ? ̙33\)0 p(  pX p C $   d p S j$ @  d %{Qir(nutrient  Yn_uir:gSOu0A~kT[bTyut;mR@bvir( %{Qnutrition : _uir_T)R(u%{Qir(vǏ z Z& &d  &   & d F   '    H p 0޽h ? ̙3330 @xN(  xX x C $   j x S j$ @  j P8^(uxn [[ a| | m| u2 I{ Su]N ss|| s|| v | I{ Bofibfo H x 0޽h ? ̙336e0 p|(  |X | C $   m | S Hj$ @  m _uir)R(uv.ln [[ 00v 0]xxv 0 ?\ } 0ˆ}v 0[r 00I{ Su]N 000|| 00ĞF|| 00| 00ss|Fm 00uk| 000I{ Y bfb ` fb !` bY H | 0޽h ? ̙33$=0 t(  X  C $   m  S Tm$ @  m vutR YN1"lv0sNx1"lv0x'`xxvI{ 0Ǐ'lSirgkSv0gjxTbvI{ ]xx؏Sv0V.lv02ux1"lvI{ Rxu(lx1"lv02ux1"lvI{ 7(lxSMOv ܔ~ހr }'lSv 2ux1"lv M2v fpf f  f  f  f f  f f    f  $f$  (f( ,f,  0f0 4f4  8f8 Q?dO|>̅bXMoהWG_,[L}s/E/G_s dΝ]Qқ_~WqE~ܲJom{lbZ_QrV2v#= νx-wn/3t"SMj4BvFMН, =O>ϻj;\v?+B~&ݎك tfo‡СNz.=GIxiG/mKCۚ͝_u6l@!sjfG}1PEaWp)@ ,}?D^)V=-F8NㇱooNӟC, .+p⻼*3ɼK0p0O4(n sb8.90Q}7:v}ks5m7!Qvح ;\c. 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