ࡱ> nqp7 RbjbjUU 5*  $qP\ (A$$heI||CzR"   DN2 Certificate of Origin ORIGINAL 1.Exporter s name, address, country: Certificate No.: CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Form for the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People s Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand Issued in ____________ (see Instruction overleaf)2. Producer s name and address, if known:3.Consignee s name, address, country:4.Means of transport and route (as far as known) Departure date Vessel /Flight/Train/Vehicle No. Port of loading Port of discharge 5. For official use only  Preferential Tariff Treatment Given Under _______  Preferential Treatment Not Given (Please state reasons) & ...& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Signature of Authorized Signatory of the Importing Country6. Remarks 7.Item number (Max 20)8. Marks and numbers on packages9. Number and kind of packages; description of goods10. HS code (Six digit code)11. Origin criterion 12. Gross weight, quantity (quantity unit) or other measures (litres,m3,etc) 13. Number, date of invoice and invoiced value 14Declaration by the exporter The undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statement are correct, that all the goods were produced in Country and that they comply with the origin requirements specified in the FTA for the goods exported to Importing country Place and date, signature of authorized signatory 15Certification On the basis of control carried out, it is hereby certified that the information herein is correct and that the goods described comply with the origin requirements specified in the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People s Republic of China and the Government of New Zealand. Place and date, signature and stamp of authorized body  Overleaf Instruction Box 1: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the exporter. Box 2: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the producer. If more than one producer s good is included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including name, address (including country). If the exporter or the producer wishes the information to be confidential, it is acceptable to state  Available to the authorized body upon request . If the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with  SAME . If the producer is unknown, it is acceptable to state "UNKNOWN". Box 3: State the full legal name, address (including country) of the consignee. Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading and discharge. Box 5: The customs administration of the importing country must indicate (") in the relevant boxes whether or not preferential tariff treatment is accorded. Box 6: Any additional information such as Customer s Order Number, Letter of Credit Number, etc. may be included. Box 7: State the item number, and item number should not exceed 20. Box 8: State the shipping marks and numbers on the packages. Box 9: Number and kind of package shall be specified. Provide a full description of each good. The description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the Customs Officers examining them and relate it to the invoice description and to the HS description of the good. If goods are not packed, state  in bulk . When the description of the goods is finished, add  *** (three stars) or  \  (finishing slash). Box 10: For each good described in Box 9, identify the HS tariff classification to six digits. Box 11: If the goods qualify under the Rules of Origin, the exporter must indicate in Box 11 of this form the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment, in the manner shown in the following table: The origin criteria on the basis of which the exporter claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatmentInsert in Box 11The good is wholly obtained or produced in the territory of a Party as set out and defined in Article 20, including where required to be so under Annex 5WOThe good is produced entirely in the territory of one or both Parties, exclusively from materials whose origin conforms to the provisions of Section 1 of Chapter 4. WPThe good is produced in the territory of one or both Parties, using non-originating materials that conform to a change in tariff classification, a regional value content, a process requirement or other requirements specified in Annex 5, and the good meets the other applicable provisions of Section 1 of Chapter 4.PSR Box 12: Gross weight in kilograms should be shown here. Other units of measurement e.g. volume or number of items which would indicate exact quantities may be used when customary. Box 13: Invoice number, date of invoices and invoiced value should be shown here. Box 14: The field must be completed, signed and dated by the exporter for exports from China. It is not required for New Zealand exports to China. Insert the place, date of signature. Box 15: The field must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the authorized person of the authorized body. -Ne7h,gNOS SN0WfN ck,g 1. QSFUv Ty00W@W0V[ fNS -NNSNlqQTV?e^TepQ?e^1u8fOS[ SN0WfN ~{SV______________ kX6RelfǸuf 2. uNFUv Ty00W@W (W]w`Q N 3. 6e'Nv Ty00W@W0V[ 4. Џe_S~1\@bw y/neg 9S/ޘ:g/kpf/'fS ň'S\ 0R'S\5. O[eO(u  SNNS_______1u8fOS[O`_G  NNS_______1u8fOS[O`_G t1u& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ۏSV[e:ggvcCgN~{W[ ____________________________________________ 6. Yl7. yvSgY20y 8. U4YSSňS9. SňpeϑSy{|FUT Ty10. HS x(NmQMOpex:NQ)11. SN0WhQ 12. k͑0peϑpeϑUSMO bvQ[ϑUSMO(GS0zes|I{)13. ShyS0ShyegSShyN @ j l @ ǿǣǣǢǢǗnjǁvjUCJPJaJCJPJaJB*phjUCJPJaJCJPJaJB*ph>*CJPJaJB*phCJPJ5CJPJ\aJ5CJPJaJ CJPJaJ5CJPJ\aJ5;CJPJaJ5;CJPJaJo(CJKH,PJ\aJo( OJPJo(.@     " > N P  6 ` b \^`bdfhjlnprtvz|z>*CJPJaJo(B*ph>*CJPJaJB*phCJPJaJo( CJPJaJ CJPJaJCJPJaJB*phCJKHPJaJnH tH CJH*PJaJCJPJaJmH sH tH  CJKHPJaJmH sH nH tH CJPJ\aJ CJPJaJ2.0248:TVz8   $&(*TVbd  zzT`bH!ʽCJPJaJo( CJPJaJ55CJ,KH,PJ\aJ,o(5CJ,KH,PJ\aJ,CJPJCJPJ]aJCJPJaJo( CJPJaJ CJPJaJ CJPJaJCH!V!X!"""$$% %T&Z&\&'''''&*,*.*0*2*4*B*D*+++D,R,T,(-*----v............... 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