RASFF Portal
  Notifications list : 66 results
Created on 28.01.2013
Search criteria  |  Week 4 - 2013 
date reference product type notification type notification basis notified by origin subject distribution action taken distribution status
bivalve molluscs and products thereof
22/01/2013 2013.0077  food alert food poisoning DENMARK from FRANCE norovirus in chilled live oysters (Crassostrea gigas) from France DENMARK   information on distribution not (yet) available
23/01/2013 2013.0081  food information for attention border control - consignment released ITALY from TUNISIA norovirus (presence of GII) in chilled clams (Ruditapes decussatus) from Tunisia ITALY import not authorised product already consumed
23/01/2013 2013.0082  food information for attention border control - consignment released ITALY from TUNISIA norovirus in chilled clams from Tunisia ITALY import not authorised product already consumed
cephalopods and products thereof
22/01/2013 2013.0075  food information for attention official control on the market ITALY from ARGENTINA cadmium (2.7 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen squids from Argentina ITALY informing authorities information on distribution not (yet) available
23/01/2013 2013.0080  food information for attention official control on the market ITALY from ARGENTINA mercury (2.7 mg/kg - ppm) in whole frozen squids (Illex argentinus) from Argentina ITALY withdrawal from the market distribution restricted to notifying country
cereals and bakery products
23/01/2013 2013.AFO  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from CHINA unauthorised genetically modified (CryIAb) rice cakes from China   destruction no distribution
dietetic foods, food supplements, fortified foods
21/01/2013 2013.AEP  food border rejection border control - consignment detained PORTUGAL from UNITED STATES unauthorised irradiation of kelp capsules from the United States   destruction no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFU  food border rejection border control - consignment detained PORTUGAL from UNITED STATES unauthorised substance molybdenum amino acid chelate in food supplement from the United States   destruction no distribution
feed materials
21/01/2013 2013.0067  feed information for attention company's own check AUSTRIA from ITALY Salmonella Mbandaka (presence /25g) in soy bean meal from Italy AUSTRIA physical/chemical treatment distribution restricted to notifying country
21/01/2013 2013.0070  feed information for attention company's own check BELGIUM from INDONESIA aflatoxins (B1 = 26.3 µg/kg - ppb) in coconut expeller from Indonesia, via Germany BELGIUM official detention distribution restricted to notifying country
21/01/2013 2013.0071  feed information for attention company's own check AUSTRIA from ITALY Salmonella Senftenberg (present /25g) in soybean meal from Italy AUSTRIA physical/chemical treatment distribution restricted to notifying country
21/01/2013 2013.0072  feed information for follow-up company's own check BELGIUM from BELGIUM Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in processed animal protein from Belgium NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM physical/chemical treatment distribution to other member countries
22/01/2013 2013.0078  feed alert company's own check AUSTRIA from ITALY dioxins (10.112 ng/kg - ppt) in plant oil from Italy AUSTRIA informing authorities information on distribution not (yet) available
21/01/2013 2013.AEQ  feed border rejection border control - consignment detained DENMARK from MOROCCO Salmonella spp. (in 1 out 5 samples /25g) and too high count of Enterobacteriaceae (4800) in fish meal from Morocco   physical/chemical treatment no distribution
21/01/2013 2013.AEV  feed border rejection border control - consignment detained DENMARK from MAURITANIA high count of Enterobacteriaceae (11000; 9700; 430; 250; 140 CFU/g) in fishmeal from Mauritania   physical/chemical treatment no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFA  feed border rejection border control - consignment detained DENMARK from MAURITANIA too high count of Enterobacteriaceae (between 540 and 53000 CFU/g) in fish meal from Mauritania   physical/chemical treatment no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFV  feed border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from ARGENTINA Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in soybean from Argentina   informing authorities no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFW  feed border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from ARGENTINA Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in soybean from Argentina   informing authorities no distribution
fish and fish products
24/01/2013 2013.0088  food information for attention company's own check ITALY from SPAIN mercury (1.82 mg/kg - ppm) in whole frozen swordfish from Spain ITALY re-dispatch distribution restricted to notifying country
24/01/2013 2013.0089  food information for attention border control - consignment released GERMANY from SRI LANKA mercury (1.40 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled swordfish (Xiphiua gladias) from Sri Lanka GERMANY, DENMARK informing authorities distribution restricted to notifying country
22/01/2013 2013.AFD  food border rejection border control - consignment detained DENMARK from GREENLAND poor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) from Greenland   destruction no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AGA  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from GHANA spoilage of and improper health certificate(s) for chilled various species of fish from Ghana   destruction no distribution
food contact materials
22/01/2013 2013.AFE  food contact material border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from CHINA migration of chromium (1.9 mg/dm²) from stainless steel cutlery from China   import not authorised no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AFY  food contact material border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from CHINA migration of chromium (18.5 mg/kg - ppm), of nickel (0.2 mg/kg - ppm) and of manganese (0.5 mg/kg - ppm) from stainless steel knives from China   re-dispatch no distribution
fruits and vegetables
21/01/2013 2013.0069  food information for attention border control - consignment released FRANCE from INDIA acephate (0.099 mg/kg - ppm) in okra from India FRANCE informing authorities distribution restricted to notifying country
22/01/2013 2013.0076  food information for attention company's own check NETHERLANDS from EGYPT methomyl (20 mg/kg - ppm) in strawberries from Egypt NETHERLANDS   product already consumed
21/01/2013 2013.AEO  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA monocrotophos (0.03 mg/kg - ppm) and dimethoate (0.4 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
21/01/2013 2013.AER  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (0.25 mg/kg - ppm) in okra from India   informing authorities no distribution
21/01/2013 2013.AET  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA methamidophos (0.03 mg/kg - ppm) and acephate (0.34 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
21/01/2013 2013.AEU  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from INDIA spiromesifen (0.044 mg/kg - ppm) in okra from India   destruction no distribution
21/01/2013 2013.AEW  food border rejection border control - consignment detained BULGARIA from TURKEY methomyl (0.049 mg/kg - ppm) in peppers from Turkey   placed under customs seals no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFC  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 51; Tot. = 55 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   official detention no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFF  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (0.22 mg/kg - ppm) and triazophos (0.15 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   official detention no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFH  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from EGYPT oxamyl (0.03) in strawberries from Egypt   destruction no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFI  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (0.15 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   destruction no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFJ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (0.29 mg/kg - ppm), triazophos (0.22 mg/kg - ppm) and acetamiprid (0.23 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFK  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA triazophos (0.04 mg/kg - ppm) in okra from India   informing authorities no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFL  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA profenofos (0.12 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh curry leaves from India   import not authorised no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFM  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (exceed MRL) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFN  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from EGYPT methomyl (0.16 mg/kg - ppm) in strawberries from Egypt   import not authorised no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFP  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA profenofos (4.4 mg/kg - ppm), ethion (7.7 mg/kg - ppm), triazophos (2.1 mg/kg - ppm) and hexaconazole (0.14 mg/kg - ppm) in curry leaves from India   import not authorised no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFQ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA triazophos in okra from India   informing authorities no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AFZ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA methamidophos (0.11 mg/kg - ppm) and acephate (1.1 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AGB  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA acephate (0.10 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AGC  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from GHANA abamectin (0.04 mg/kg - ppm) unauthorised in okra from Ghana   informing authorities no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AGD  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA monocrotophos (0.34 mg/kg - ppm) in okra from India   import not authorised no distribution
24/01/2013 2013.AGE  food border rejection border control - consignment detained BELGIUM from DOMINICAN REPUBLIC endosulfan (0.13 mg/kg - ppm) in yard long beans from the Dominican Republic   destruction no distribution
herbs and spices
21/01/2013 2013.0068  food information for attention official control on the market UNITED KINGDOM from MOROCCO Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in lemon thyme from Morocco UNITED KINGDOM recall from consumers distribution restricted to notifying country
22/01/2013 2013.0074  food information for follow-up border control - consignment released ITALY from INDIA ethion (0.188 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh chilli (Capsicum) from India ITALY re-dispatch information on distribution not (yet) available
23/01/2013 2013.0079  food alert food poisoning NETHERLANDS from BULGARIA toxic herbal extracts in marshmallow (Althea officinalis) from Bulgaria, via Germany NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
21/01/2013 2013.AEX  food border rejection border control - consignment detained BELGIUM from MOROCCO chlorpyriphos-ethyl (0.16 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh mint from Morocco   destruction no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AEZ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from INDONESIA aflatoxins (B1 = 61.43; Tot. = 72.47 / B1 = 25.48; Tot. = 30.41 µg/kg - ppb) in nutmeg from Indonesia   re-dispatch no distribution
meat and meat products (other than poultry)
21/01/2013 2013.0073  food information for follow-up official control on the market ITALY from SPAIN Yersinia enterocolitica in chilled pork ham from Spain ITALY   information on distribution not (yet) available
24/01/2013 2013.0085  food information for follow-up official control on the market IRELAND from IRELAND poor traceability records (falsified horse passports) for equine carcasses from Ireland ITALY informing recipient(s) distribution to other member countries
22/01/2013 2013.AFB  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from ARGENTINA shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli in chilled boneless beef (Bos taurus) from Argentina   re-dispatch no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFT  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from ARGENTINA shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli in chilled boneless beef (Bos taurus) from Argentina   recall from consumers no distribution
nuts, nut products and seeds
21/01/2013 2013.AES  food border rejection border control - consignment detained BULGARIA from INDIA aflatoxins (B1 = 9.1 µg/kg - ppb) in ground nutmeg from India   placed under customs seals no distribution
22/01/2013 2013.AFG  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from CHINA expired health certificate(s) for peanut crisps from China   destruction no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFS  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from CHINA improper health certificate(s) for blanched groundnut kernels from China   re-dispatch no distribution
poultry meat and poultry meat products
23/01/2013 2013.0083  food information for attention border control - consignment released SPAIN from BRAZIL Salmonella Heidelberg (presence /25g) in frozen poultry meat (Gallus gallus) from Brazil SPAIN informing authorities distribution restricted to notifying country
23/01/2013 2013.0084  food alert company's own check SWEDEN from BRAZIL Salmonella Schwarzengrund in frozen spiced turkey breasts from Brazil, via Denmark SWEDEN detained by the operator information on distribution not (yet) available
24/01/2013 2013.0090  food alert company's own check POLAND from POLAND Salmonella enteritidis (presence /25g) in fresh chicken meat from Poland POLAND, UNITED KINGDOM recall from consumers distribution to other member countries
22/01/2013 2013.AEY  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from BRAZIL Salmonella enteritidis (presence /25g) and Salmonella Heidelberg (presence /25g) in frozen chicken legs from Brazil   import not authorised no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFR  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from ARGENTINA poor temperature control (between -3°C and -9°C) of frozen poultry meat (Gallus gallus) from Argentina   re-dispatch no distribution
23/01/2013 2013.AFX  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from BRAZIL Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in frozen poultry meat from Brazil   import not authorised no distribution
prepared dishes and snacks
24/01/2013 2013.0086  food alert official control on the market UNITED KINGDOM from UNITED KINGDOM undeclared sulphite and milk ingredient in various snacks from the United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM, IRELAND withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
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