RASFF Portal
  Notifications list : 66 results
Created on 29.10.2012
Search criteria  |  Week 43 - 2012 
date reference product type notification type notification basis notified by origin subject distribution action taken distribution status
bivalve molluscs and products thereof
23/10/2012 2012.1480  food alert company's own check FRANCE from FRANCE too high count of Escherichia coli (1040 MPN/100g) in mussels from France FRANCE, LUXEMBOURG withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
23/10/2012 2012.1482  food information for attention official control on the market ITALY from SPAIN too high count of Escherichia coli (920 MPN/100g) in mussels from Spain ITALY withdrawal from the market product already consumed
cephalopods and products thereof
24/10/2012 2012.CCL  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) unsuitable organoleptic characteristics (strong smell gasoline) of frozen patagonian squid (Loligo patagonica) from the Falkland Islands   import not authorised no distribution
cereals and bakery products
23/10/2012 2012.1481  food information for follow-up official control on the market UNITED KINGDOM from UNITED KINGDOM metal pieces in biscuits from the United Kingdom IRELAND, UNITED KINGDOM recall from consumers distribution to other member countries
25/10/2012 2012.1492  food information for follow-up official control on the market GERMANY from NETHERLANDS high content of aluminium (66.9 mg/kg dry matter) in vermicelli from South Korea, via the Netherlands GERMANY informing authorities information on distribution not (yet) available
23/10/2012 2012.CCD  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from HONG KONG high content of aluminium (14.7 mg/kg - ppm) in shrimp-egg noodles from Hong Kong   import not authorised no distribution
25/10/2012 2012.1495  food alert official control on the market SWITZERLAND from NETHERLANDS suffocation risk as a result of the consumption of jelly mini cups from the Netherlands SWITZERLAND withdrawal from the market information on distribution not (yet) available
crustaceans and products thereof
23/10/2012 2012.1484  food alert company's own check IRELAND from IRELAND Listeria monocytogenes (<10 CFU/100g) in frozen crab meat from Ireland FRANCE, SPAIN, IRELAND recall from consumers distribution to other member countries
25/10/2012 2012.1489  food information for attention border control - consignment released FRANCE from TUNISIA mercury (1.42 mg/kg - ppm) in crayfish from Tunisia FRANCE withdrawal from the market distribution restricted to notifying country
22/10/2012 2012.CBV  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from NICARAGUA poor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen shrimps from Nicaragua   official detention no distribution
dietetic foods, food supplements, fortified foods
22/10/2012 2012.1472  food information for follow-up company's own check LATVIA from LATVIA benzethonium chloride (51 g/kg) in food supplement from Latvia ESTONIA, LATVIA withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
22/10/2012 2012.1474  food information for follow-up company's own check LATVIA raw material from UNITED STATES benzethonium chloride (94 g/kg) in food supplement with raw material from the United States, via Estonia LATVIA withdrawal from the market information on distribution not (yet) available
25/10/2012 2012.1490  food information for attention consumer complaint NETHERLANDS from NETHERLANDS canned milk powder from the Netherlands with defective packaging (elevated levels of oxygen) NETHERLANDS, TURKEY withdrawal from the market distribution to third countries
25/10/2012 2012.1491  food information for attention company's own check NETHERLANDS from NETHERLANDS canned milk powder from the Netherlands with defective packaging (elevated levels of oxygen) PAKISTAN, NETHERLANDS no action taken distribution to third countries
25/10/2012 2012.1493  food information for attention consumer complaint NETHERLANDS from NETHERLANDS canned milk powder from the Netherlands with defective packaging CHINA, NETHERLANDS informing authorities distribution to third countries
25/10/2012 2012.1494  food information for attention consumer complaint NETHERLANDS from NETHERLANDS canned milk powder from the Netherlands with defective packaging NETHERLANDS, VIET NAM informing authorities distribution to third countries
26/10/2012 2012.1501  food alert official control on the market SWEDEN from SWEDEN unauthorised substance synephrine (daily 75 mg) in food supplement for fat burning from Sweden SWEDEN, PORTUGAL, FINLAND withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
23/10/2012 2012.CCE  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ROMANIA from UNITED STATES absence of health certificate(s) for food supplement from the United States   destruction no distribution
feed materials
23/10/2012 2012.1477  feed information for follow-up border control - consignment released SPAIN from ARGENTINA cadmium (4,8 mg/kg - ppm) in fish meal from Argentina ITALY, SPAIN official detention distribution to other member countries
25/10/2012 2012.1500  feed information for follow-up official control on the market ITALY from NETHERLANDS Salmonella spp. in meat meal from the Netherlands ITALY physical/chemical treatment information on distribution not (yet) available
fish and fish products
23/10/2012 2012.1483  food information for attention official control on the market SPAIN from CHILE Listeria monocytogenes (3400-82000 CFU/g) in smoked rainbow trout fillets (Oncorrhynchus mykiss) from Chile SPAIN withdrawal from the market distribution restricted to notifying country
23/10/2012 2012.1485  food information for follow-up official control on the market ITALY from DENMARK parasitic infestation with Anisakis of chilled Lophius Piscatorius from Denmark ITALY withdrawal from the market information on distribution not (yet) available
24/10/2012 2012.1488  food alert official control on the market ITALY from LITHUANIA Listeria monocytogenes (presence /25g) in chilled smoked salmon from Lithuania ITALY informing authorities information on distribution not (yet) available
25/10/2012 2012.1496  food information for follow-up official control on the market ITALY from SPAIN carbon monoxide treatment (0.4 mg/kg - ppm) of vacuum packed tuna from Spain ITALY   information on distribution not (yet) available
22/10/2012 2012.CBX  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from MAURITANIA poor hygienic state of frozen Trachurus trachurus, Dentex gibbosus, Diplodus sargus y Cephalopoda from Mauritania     no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.CCC  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NORWAY from THAILAND inadequate thermal processing (sterility) of canned tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from Thailand   re-dispatch no distribution
24/10/2012 2012.CCG  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ESTONIA from CHINA parasitic infestation with Anisakis of frozen hake fillets skinless (Merluccius spp) from China   import not authorised no distribution
24/10/2012 2012.CCK  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) unsuitable organoleptic characteristics (strong smell to gasoline) of argentine hake frozen (Merluccius hubbsi) from the Falkland Islands   import not authorised no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCX  food border rejection border control - consignment detained SPAIN from INDIA poor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen cuttlefish (sepia spp.) from India   import not authorised no distribution
food additives and flavourings
22/10/2012 2012.1475  food information for attention official control on the market GREECE from GREECE E 170 - calcium carbonate unauthorised in flour improver from Greece ALBANIA, GREECE no action taken distribution to third countries
food contact materials
25/10/2012 2012.CCM  food contact material border rejection border control - consignment detained IRELAND from CHINA missing import declaration for melamine plates and bowls from China   destruction no distribution
fruits and vegetables
23/10/2012 2012.CBY  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from NIGERIA unauthorised substance dichlorvos (0.09 mg/kg - ppm) in olo beans from Nigeria   official detention no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.CBZ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from NIGERIA unauthorised substance dichlorvos (0.15 mg/kg - ppm) in beans from Nigeria   destruction no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.CCB  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from NIGERIA unauthorised substance dichlorvos (0.02 mg/kg - ppm) in bean flour from Nigeria   official detention no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.CCF  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 12.6; Tot. = 17.5 / B1 = 55.5; Tot. = 58.1 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   official detention no distribution
24/10/2012 2012.CCH  food border rejection border control - consignment detained GERMANY from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 16.26; Tot. = 17.36 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   destruction no distribution
24/10/2012 2012.CCI  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 20.6; Tot. = 36.9 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
24/10/2012 2012.CCJ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from CHINA triazophos (0,043 mg/kg - ppm) in pomelo from China   import not authorised no distribution
25/10/2012 2012.CCO  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from TURKEY raisins from Turkey infested with moulds (15000 CFU/g)   re-dispatch no distribution
25/10/2012 2012.CCP  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 11.2; Tot. = 11.95 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figis from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCS  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 20,7 +/- 8,3; Tot. = 21,5 +/- 8,6 µg/kg - ppb) in dry figs lerida from Turkey   destruction no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCT  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 33.4; Tot. = 35.1 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCU  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE   aflatoxins (B1 = 14,3+/-5,7; Tot. = 15,0+/-6,0 µg/kg - ppb) in dry figs lerida   destruction no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCV  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 3.2; Tot. = 12 µg/kg - ppb) in dried figs from Turkey   import not authorised no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCW  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 17,7+/-7,1; Tot. = 18,6+/-7,4 µg/kg - ppb) in dry figs lerida from Turkey   destruction no distribution
herbs and spices
22/10/2012 2012.1473  food information for attention official control on the market SWITZERLAND from MAURITIUS unauthorised colours Sudan 1 (61; 2; 67; 2; 6 mg/kg - ppm) and Sudan 4 (11; 1; 12 mg/kg - ppm) in curry, Tandoori, spices from Mauritius SWITZERLAND destruction distribution restricted to notifying country
24/10/2012 2012.1486  food alert official control on the market NETHERLANDS from NETHERLANDS Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in curry powder from the Netherlands NETHERLANDS, BELGIUM withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
22/10/2012 2012.CBT  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from INDIA aflatoxins (B1 = 9.9; Tot. = 10.2 µg/kg - ppb) in crushed chilli from India   official detention no distribution
honey and royal jelly
22/10/2012 2012.1471  food information for follow-up official control on the market SLOVAKIA from POLAND sulfamethoxazole (13 µg/kg - ppb) unauthorised in acacia honey from Poland SLOVAKIA withdrawal from the market information on distribution not (yet) available
meat and meat products (other than poultry)
22/10/2012 2012.1470  food information for attention border control - consignment released UNITED KINGDOM from BRAZIL residue level above MRL for albendazole (217 µg/kg - ppb) in corned beef from Brazil UNITED KINGDOM   distribution restricted to notifying country
23/10/2012 2012.1479  food information for follow-up official control on the market ITALY from ITALY chlortetracycline unauthorised in veal carcass from Italy CZECH REPUBLIC, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
25/10/2012 2012.1497  food alert company's own check SWEDEN from SWEDEN imizol in chilled offals from Sweden DENMARK, SWEDEN withdrawal from the market distribution to other member countries
25/10/2012 2012.1498  food information for attention company's own check SWEDEN from SWEDEN inadequate thermal processing of chilled paté of liver from Sweden SWEDEN recall from consumers distribution restricted to notifying country
milk and milk products
22/10/2012 2012.1469  food information for attention company's own check ITALY from HUNGARY aflatoxins (Tot. = 0.095 µg/kg - ppb) in raw milk from Hungary ITALY   no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.1478  food alert company's own check FRANCE from SPAIN Listeria monocytogenes (1800 CFU/g) in mozzarella from Spain FRANCE recall from consumers information on distribution not (yet) available
25/10/2012 2012.1499  food information for follow-up company's own check SLOVENIA from HUNGARY aflatoxins (Tot. = 0,074 µg/kg - ppb) in raw chilled milk from Hungary SLOVENIA official detention information on distribution not (yet) available
nuts, nut products and seeds
22/10/2012 2012.CBU  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from UNITED STATES aflatoxins (B1 = 9.8; Tot. = 10.7 µg/kg - ppb) in groundnuts from the United States   official detention no distribution
22/10/2012 2012.CBW  food border rejection border control - consignment detained UNITED KINGDOM from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 5.3; Tot. = 24.1 µg/kg - ppb) in hazelnut kernels from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
23/10/2012 2012.CCA  food border rejection border control - consignment detained NETHERLANDS from SOUTH AFRICA aflatoxins (B1 = 4,4/ 20,7; Tot. = 5,1/ 23,2 µg/kg - ppb) in groundnuts from South Africa   import not authorised no distribution
25/10/2012 2012.CCN  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in pine kernels from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCQ  food border rejection border control - consignment detained DENMARK from TURKEY aflatoxins (Tot. = 15 µg/kg - ppb) in hazelnut kernels from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCR  food border rejection border control - consignment detained FRANCE from TURKEY aflatoxins (B1 = 13.4; Tot. = 50.9 µg/kg - ppb) in hazelnuts from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
26/10/2012 2012.CCY  food border rejection border control - consignment detained ITALY from TURKEY Salmonella spp. (presence /25g) in pine kernels from Turkey   re-dispatch no distribution
prepared dishes and snacks
22/10/2012 2012.1468  food information for follow-up official control on the market SPAIN from UNITED KINGDOM too high content of nitrate (229; 236; 217 mg/kg - ppm) in organic baby food from the United Kingdom SPAIN informing authorities information on distribution not (yet) available
24/10/2012 2012.1487  food alert company's own check FRANCE from NETHERLANDS undeclared gluten in frozen potatoes from the Netherlands PORTUGAL, FRANCE recall from consumers distribution to other member countries
soups, broths, sauces and condiments
22/10/2012 2012.1476  food information for follow-up official control on the market GREECE from GREECE E 170 - calcium carbonate unauthorised in sauce mix from Greece GREECE, CYPRUS no action taken distribution to other member countries
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