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Bt63) rice preparation from China, via Hong Kongfrom HONG KONG 2011.0901re-dispatch or destructionno distribution 2011.BKMborder rejection%border control - consignment detained,cocoa and cocoa preparations, coffee and tea 05/07/2011 2011.0897SLOVENIAbundeclared gluten (70 mg/kg - ppm) in chocolate spread with orange flavour from the United Kingdomunder customs seals 2011.BKPFINLANDfrom UNITED STATESjunauthorised novel food ingredient camu camu (Myrciaria dubia) in chocolate product from the United States&distribution to other member countriescompound feeds 2011.0883feedinformation for follow-upCZECH REPUBLICfrom CZECH REPUBLICNsalinomycin (2.21 mg/kg - ppm) in feed for laying hens from the Czech Republic%POLAND,CZECH REPUBLIC, CZECH REPUBLIC crustaceans and products thereof 2011.0888%border control - consignment releasedITALY from TUNISIActoo high content of sulphite (414; 435; 556 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen peeled rose shrimps from Tunisiaofficial detention 2011.BKDSPAINepoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of chilled scallop meat from the United States re-dispatch 2011.BKEBspoilage of frozen shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris) from Tunisia 2011.BKFQspoilage of frozen deepwater rose shrimps (Parapenaeus longirostris) from Tunisia 2011.BKH from SENEGALGabnormal colour (green) of whole shrimps (Penaeus monodon) from Senegalinforming authoritieseggs and egg products 2011.0896food poisoning from SPAIN)Salmonella enteritidis in eggs from Spainfeed materials 2011.0900AUSTRIAfrom SWITZERLANDPSalmonella Senftenberg (presence /25g) in dog chew (lamb rumen) from Switzerlandphysical/chemical treatment 2011.0902BELGIUMfrom ARGENTINAWSalmonella Senftenberg (presence /25g) in soya meal from Argentina, via the Netherlandsfrom NETHERLANDSfish and fish products 2011.0887Oparasitic infestation with Anisakis simplex of cod fish (merluccius) from Spain 2011.0892 from PORTUGALDmercury (3.51 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen blue shark steaks from Portugalproduct past use-by date 2011.0894Dmercury (1.478 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled loins of swordfish from Spain 2011.0895 from DENMARKcparasitic infestation with Anisakis (larvae) of chilled monkfish (Lophius piscatorius) from Denmarkinforming recipient(s) 2011.0898POLANDraw material from NORWAYxListeria monocytogenes (in 2 out of 5 samples /25g) in chilled salmon fillets from Poland, with raw material from NorwayFRANCE,POLAND, POLAND from POLAND 2011.BKB from MOROCCOSpoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of chilled fish from Morocco 2011.BKCVabsence of health certificate(s) for chilled amberjack (Seriola dumerili) from Tunisia 2011.BKSGREECEGparasitic infestation of frozen seabream (Pagrus pagrus) from Argentinafood contact materials 2011.0903food contact material 2011.BKJ from THAILANDKmigration of formaldehyde (9.1-16 mg/dm) from melamine wares from Thailand no stock leftproduct already consumedfruit and vegetables 2011.0885 NETHERLANDS;carbofuran (0.36 mg/kg - ppm) in water mimosa from Thailand 2011.0889 from GHANA8chlorpyriphos (1.2 mg/kg - ppm) in pineapples from Ghana 2011.0890Qomethoate (0.08 mg/kg - ppm) and dimethoate (0.1 mg/kg - ppm) in turia from Ghana 2011.08915formetanate (0.2 mg/kg - ppm) in cucumbers from Spain 2011.0893from DOMINICAN REPUBLICDmethomyl (0.9 mg/kg - ppm) in long beans from the Dominican Republic 2011.0905=fosthiazate (0.091 mg/kg - ppm) in nicola potatoes from Spain 2011.BKG from TURKEYitoo high content of sulphite (695 mg/kg - ppm) in green olives stuffed with sundried tomatoes from Turkey 2011.BKLBULGARIA;tetradifon (0.038 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh peppers from Turkey 2011.BKRfrom SOUTH AFRICA@fenthion (0.12 mg/kg - ppm) in pickled peppers from South Africaherbs and spices 2011.0884 from BELGIUMGSalmonella spp. (presence /25g) in soft paprika from Spain, via BelgiumBELGIUM,AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA,FRANCE, FRANCE,MOROCCO, MOROCCO,MARTINIQUE, MARTINIQUE,NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS,SWEDEN, SWEDEN,GERMANY, GERMANY 2011.BKA from INDIA9ochratoxin A (81 g/kg - ppb) in chilly powder from India 2011.BKO[Escherichia coli (6700; 6000; 6900 CFU/g) in fresh curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) from India 2011.BKQDENMARK>carbofuran (0.21 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh coriander from Thailandices and desserts 2011.0907 from ITALYQhigh count of Enterobacteriaceae (1.2x10E4 CFU/g) in vanilla ice cream from Italy$SWEDEN,HUNGARY, HUNGARY,ITALY, ITALYrecall from consumers+meat and meat products (other than poultry) 2011.0886<undeclared milk ingredient in frozen beef burgers from ItalyITALY,SLOVENIA, SLOVENIAnatural mineral water 08/07/2011 2011.0908GERMANYJEnterococcus (presence /250ml) in bottled natural mineral water from Italynuts, nut products and seeds 2011.BKKdaflatoxins (B1 = 5.6; Tot. = 33 / B1 = 5.3; Tot. = 33.2 g/kg - ppb) in hazelnut kernels from Turkey 2011.BKN&poultry meat and poultry meat products 2011.0904bSalmonella Saint Paul (presence /25g) in chilled duck breast pepper and pepper skewers from FranceBELGIUM,FRANCE, FRANCE$soups, broths, sauces and condiments 2011.BJZ from JAPANKimproper import declaration for rice flavoured distilled vinegar from Japan 2011.BKItoo high content of the sum of E 210 - benzoic acid and of E 200 - sorbic acid (1225 mg/kg - ppm) in black olive paste from TurkeyO DG SANCO 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Page generated in 0.895 secondsLhigh content of aluminium (31 mg/kg - ppm) in dried wheat noodles from China 7]migration of chromium (9.2 mg/kg - ppm) and of nickel (0.2 mg/kg - ppm) from stainless spoons 7Maflatoxins (B1 = 19.5; Tot. = 20.0 g/kg - ppb) in inshell peanuts from China 7\unauthorised genetically modified (KeFeng6, Bt63) rice preparation from China, via Hong Kong 7 Y9da_  h  ' " !##Jv$%&'(]+cc  R-5=UQY  dMbP?_*+%"??U}  } `} @} R    J     ,   ; e ;  I% I% I% I% V% ;  e ;  ;      ;  ; +++++++++++ ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ----------- ,........... , /////////// ,........... , 00000000000 ,11111111111 ,               , 2 3333333334  ,            , 2 3333333334  ,          ! 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