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<10; 40; 900; 2700 /g) in fishmeal from Mauritaniafeed materials 2011.0849Tcadmium (13.764 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen whole squid (Illex argentinus) from Argentina 2011.0866CZECH REPUBLIC6dioxins (3.4 ng/kg - ppt) in fish meal from Mauritania 2011.0871company's own checkfrom INDONESIA]Salmonella (1 out of 8 samples /25g) in palmkernexpellers from Indonesia, via the Netherlandsfrom NETHERLANDSfish and fish products 2011.0848 from SPAINOmercury (1.17 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) from Spainre-dispatch or destruction 2011.0852 from DENMARK\parasitic infestation with Anisakis of chilled anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) from Denmarkinforming authorities 30/06/2011 2011.0862 from CHILERmercury (1.36 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled swordfish loins (Xiphias gladius) from Chile NETHERLANDS 2011.0878from SRI LANKAPmercury (1.702 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from Sri Lanka 2011.0880IRELAND from LATVIAEbenzo(a)pyrene (16.3 g/kg - ppb) in smoked smelts in oil from Latvia&IRELAND,UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED KINGDOM 2011.BJJRparasitic infestation with Anisakis of frozen hake (Merluccius spp) from Argentina 2011.BJLfrom PAPUA NEW GUINEAQhistamine (600 mg/kg - ppm) in pre-cooked frozen tuna loins from Papua New Guinea 2011.BJR from BRAZILKwhole frozen tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from Brazil with defective packaging 2011.BJSUpoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen fish from Mauritania 2011.BJU from MOROCCOZpoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen fish skewers from Morocco 2011.BJXValtered organoleptic characteristics of chilled swordfish (Xiphias Gladius) from Chilefood contact materials 29/06/2011 2011.0856food contact material;migration of chromium (0.3 mg/l) from frying pan from ItalyHSERBIA,BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA,SLOVENIA, SLOVENIA 2011.0859 from THAILANDmigration of benzophenone (7530 g/kg - ppb) and of 1-hydroxy-cyclohexyl phenyl ketone (29.7 g/kg - ppb) from rice paper from Thailand, via the Netherlandsfruit and vegetables 2011.0858 from VIET NAMfrom HONG KONG 2011.BJEBULGARIA from TURKEYEclofentezine (0.042 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled green peppers from Turkey%POLAND,CZECH REPUBLIC, CZECH REPUBLIC 2011.BJKfrom UZBEKISTANHochratoxin A (39.7 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh or dried grapes from Uzbekistaninforming recipient(s) 2011.BJQ:malathion (0.045 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh peppers from TurkeyAUSTRIAherbs and spices 2011.0863from UNITED KINGDOM 2011.0879 from BELGIUM?Salmonella spp. (2 out of 5 samples /25g) in curry from Belgium 2011.BJFNORWAYcarbofuran (2.5 mg/kg - ppm), methomyl (0.71 mg/kg - ppm), carbendazim (4.6 mg/kg - ppm) and carbosulfan (0.3 mg/kg - ppm) in coriander from Thailandno action taken+meat and meat products (other than poultry) 2011.0844 from HUNGARYPverotoxin producing Escherichia coli (EHEC nonO157 STEC) in sausage from Hungary 2011.0853pListeria monocytogenes (presence /25g) and Salmonella typhimurium (presence /25g) in home made salami from ItalyHSLOVENIA,AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA,GERMANY, GERMANY,ITALY, ITALY,ROMANIA, ROMANIA 2011.0861consumer complaintBELGIUMcfood poisoning suspected to be caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7 in spicy minced meat from Belgium BELGIUM,NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS 2011.0865verotoxin producing Escherichia coli (E. Coli O157:H7 eae+, stx1+ /25g) in bovine meat from Belgium, with raw material from Franceraw material from FRANCE 2011.0870GREECEHEscherichia coli O157 (presence /25g) in frozen minced beef from Germany 2011.0873\Escherichia coli O157 (presence /25g) in frozen spicy minced beef - mini kebabs from Germany 2011.0876Civermectin (35 g/kg - ppb) unauthorised in corned beef from Brazil 2011.BJHfrom NEW ZEALANDepoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of frozen boneless ovine meat from New Zealandmilk and milk products 2011.0843:Listeria monocytogenes (present /25g) in curd from Germanynuts, nut products and seeds 2011.0857packaged in CZECH REPUBLICwtaste disturbance caused by pine nuts with raw material from China, packaged in the Czech Republic, via the Netherlands!CZECH REPUBLIC,SLOVAKIA, SLOVAKIAproduct past use-by date(raw material from CHINA from NETHERLANDS 2011.0864Vtaste disturbance (presence of Pinus amandii) caused by pine nuts from the Netherlands 2011.0872Mtaste disturbance caused by organic pine nuts from China, via the Netherlandsreturn to dispatcher 2011.BJIIhigh count of Enterobacteriaceae (55000 CFU/g) in sesame seeds from India 2011.BJPQaflatoxins (B1 = 17.3; Tot. = 20.3 g/kg - ppb) in roasted pistachios from Turkey 2011.BJTCaflatoxins (B1 = 6.2; Tot. = 7.3 g/kg - ppb) in peanuts from India 2011.BJV 2011.BJY`aflatoxins (B1 = 20.1; Tot. = 25.6 / B1 = 5.8; Tot. = 8.3 g/kg - ppb) in groundnuts from Brazilpet food 2011.0860BSalmonella typhimurium (present /25g) in bovine lungs from Germany 2011.08693Salmonella (presence /25g) in dog chew from Germany&poultry meat and poultry meat products 2011.0847JSalmonella (presence /25g) in spiced, marinated chicken breast from Brazil 2011.0850 from POLANDHabnormal smell of frozen mechanically separated poultry meat from Poland$soups, broths, sauces and condiments 2011.0846raw material from UKRAINE;foreign bodies in table salt with raw material from Ukraine#water for human consumption (other) 2011.0851MALTADaerobic plate count (300 CFU/ml) too high for table water from ItalyO DG SANCO 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Page generated in 2.795 seconds from CHINA 7>cadmium (1.12; 1.79; 2 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen squid from China 7<_QBELGIUM,AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA,GERMANY, GERMANY,NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS,POLAND, POLAND 7unauthorised genetically modified (Bt63) whole grain brown rice protein concentrate from China, dispatched from the United States 7pSalmonella spp. (presence /25g) in dried black mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) from Vietnam, via Hong Kong 7Vaflatoxins (B1 = 15.6 g/kg - ppb) in ginger powder from China, via the United Kingdom 7Taflatoxins (B1 = 2.0; Tot. = 13.2 g/kg - ppb) in blanched peanut kernels from China 7 Y/jYmmK w   'b` m!x"#Xh$&SV'(*Z]+,-. 1cc    d%4sC3Whi  dMbP?_*+%"??GEU} `} } } `} d    J     ,   ; e  ; F(   ;   ; ( (   ;  ;     ; BBBBBBBBBBB CCCCCCCCCCCC C DDDDDDDDDDD C))))))))))) C EEEEEEEEEEE C))))))))))) C FFFFFFFFFFF CGGGGGGGGGGG C               C - ........./  C            C          ! 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