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0.192 mg/kg - ppm) and histamine (between 15.8 and 303.1 mg/kg - ppm) in sardines in vegetable oil from Morocco!CZECH REPUBLIC,SLOVAKIA, SLOVAKIAproduct already consumed 2011.0837 from KENYAOSalmonella spp. (presence /25g) in chilled perch of the nile fillets from KenyaDENMARKre-dispatch or destruction 2011.BIPSPAINfrom ARGENTINAVpoor temperature control - rupture of the cold chain - of fish products from Argentina destruction 2011.BIX from CHILEMmercury (1.416 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from Chile 2011.BIYMmercury (2.072 mg/kg - ppm) in chilled swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from Chilefood contact materials 2011.0833food contact material 2011.0834HUNGARY from ROMANIA 2011.BIUfrom HONG KONG 2011.BJBGREECEfruit and vegetables 2011.0798 NETHERLANDSfrom NETHERLANDSQomethoate and dimethoate (sum = 0.04 mg/kg - ppm) in chicory from the Netherlands;NETHERLANDS,UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED KINGDOM,IRELAND, IRELAND 2011.0803 from INDIAendosulfan (2.3 mg/kg - ppm), profenofos (0.6 mg/kg - ppm), triazophos (7.4 mg/kg - ppm) and phosalone (0.86 mg/kg - ppm) in curry leaves from India 2011.0812ccadmium (0.13 mg/kg - ppm) in frozen salsifies from the Netherlands, with raw material from Belgiumraw material from BELGIUM 2011.0819 from ISRAEL2iprodione (2.6 mg/kg - ppm) in carrots from Israel 2011.BINBULGARIA from TURKEY:tetradifon (0.05 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh peppers from Turkey 2011.BIO<formetanate (0.081 mg/kg - ppm) in fresh peppers from Turkey 2011.BITherbs and spices 2011.0809ASalmonella Weltevreden (presence /25g) in coriander from Thailand 2011.0822ROMANIA9unauthorised irradiation of olive leaf extract from China 2011.0830from PHILIPPINESWirradiation in an unauthorised facility of various seasoning mixes from the Philippines 2011.0839GERMANY,AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA 2011.BIZbaflatoxins (B1 = 77.3; Tot. = 84.4 g/kg - ppb) in chilli - coarsely ground  extra hot from India 2011.BJDPOLAND from VIET NAMgaltered organoleptic characteristics (abnormal smell) of black pepper from Vietnam infested with moulds+meat and meat products (other than poultry) 2011.0799AListeria monocytogenes (presence /25g) in bacon meat from GermanyFRANCE,GERMANY, GERMANY 2011.0802MALTAFunauthorised colour E 128 - Red 2G in sausages from the United Kingdom 2011.0805gshigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli in frozen minced beef from France, with raw material from Germany^ITALY,HUNGARY, HUNGARY,FRANCE, FRANCE,CYPRUS, CYPRUS,BELGIUM, BELGIUM,NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDSraw material from GERMANY 2011.0824overotoxin producing Escherichia coli (O26:H11; virulence genes stx-and eae+) in frozen minced beef from Belgium 2011.BIW from BRAZIL2ivermectin unauthorised in corned beef from Brazilnon-alcoholic beverages 2011.0810Dhigh bacterial count (>300 CFU/ml) in bottled table water from Italynuts, nut products and seeds 2011.08380taste disturbance caused by pine nuts from China 2011.0840 2011.BIQiimproper health certificate(s) (results of second analysis are missing) for pistachio kernels from Turkeyreturn to dispatcher 2011.BISIhigh count of Enterobacteriaceae (55000 CFU/g) in sesame seeds from India 2011.BIVoimproper health certificate(s) (results of second analyses are missing) for whole roasted hazelnuts from Turkey 2011.BJA`aflatoxins (B1 = 9.7; Tot. = 31.8 / B1 = 4.6; Tot. = 10.9 g/kg - ppb) in peanuts from Argentina 2011.BJCfrom MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF/living and dead mites in rapeseeds from Moldova$soups, broths, sauces and condiments 2011.0835SLOVAKIAfrom CZECH REPUBLIC\undeclared milk ingredient (>25 mg/kg - ppm) in chicken instant soup from the Czech RepublicO DG SANCO 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 - Page generated in 0.626 secondsYSalmonella Mbandaka (presence) in organic soy cake with raw materi<al from China and Italy 7Fmigration of chromium (0.8 mg/kg - ppm) from kitchen knives from China 7^migration of formaldehyde (42.1 mg/kg - ppm) from melamine dinner fork from China, via Romania 7<colour migration (4 mg/dm) from paper plates from Hong Kong 7<fenpropathrin (0.038 mg/kg - ppm) in goji berries from China 7Iochratoxin A (137.9 g/kg - ppb) in bell pepper powder (sweet) from China 7high content of DBP - dibutyl phthalate (38.2 %) and of DEHP - di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (0.25 %) in plastic stopper of ceramic pot from China 7 DY<ln7ZK` L Z X  xI M!F""9#*)%%y'(B)d+,.X/cc  ^*4DzYrk  dMbP?_*+%"??U}  }  } `} @} `} ^    J     ,   ; 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