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Annatto Extracts (Alkali-Processed Norbixin, Acidprecipitated)(Annatto F, Orlean, Terre Orellana, L. Orange, Ci (1975) 75120 (Natural Orange 4), INS 160b(ii))胭脂树橙
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标准类别 JECFA标准 发布日期 暂无
标准状态  关于标准有效性标注的说明 实施日期 暂无
颁发部门 暂无 废止日期 暂无
Annatto Extracts (Alkali-Processed Norbixin, Acidprecipitated)(Annatto F, Orlean, Terre Orellana, L. Orange, Ci (1975) 75120 (Natural Orange 4), INS 160b(ii))胭脂树橙
Annatto Extracts (Alkali-Processed Norbixin, Acidprecipitated)(Annatto F, Orlean, Terre Orellana, L. Orange, Ci (1975) 75120 (Natural Orange 4), INS 160b(ii))胭脂树橙
Prepared at the 67th JECFA (2006) and published in FAO JECFA Monographs 3 (2006), superseding specifications prepared at the 61st JECFA (2003) and published in FNP 52 Add 11 (2003) and in the Combined Compendium of Food Additive Specifications, FAO JECFA Monographs 1 (2005). An ADI for bixin of 0 – 12 mg/kg bw and a group ADI for norbixin and its disodium and dipotassium salts of 0 – 0.6 mg/kg bw expressed as norbixin were established at the 67th JECFA (2006). The colouring matters bixin and norbixin derived from annatto extracts (solvent-extracted bixin; solvent-extracted norbixin; aqueous-processed bixin; alkali-processed norbixin, acid-precipitated; and alkali-processed norbixin, not acid-precipitated) are included in the ADIs for bixin and norbixin. All previous ADIs for annatto extracts were withdrawn.


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