288 小时
签到天数: 37 天
发表于 2018-1-15 10:33
Therefore, the quantitative amount of vitamins and minerals with an RDI of less than 25 mg or mcg (i.e. iron, vitamin D, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, zinc, copper, and manganese) should be declared to the nearest tenth of a mg or mcg per serving. However, the quantitative amount may be declared to the nearest hundredth or thousandth of a mg or mcg when that level of specificity is necessary to attain a value that is at least 2 percent of the RDI in a serving of the food, and therefore, sufficient to declare the quantitative amount of the nutrient on the Supplement Facts label. If a manufacturer determines that rounding to the nearest hundredth or thousandth of a mg or mcg would not be accurate given the variation of the nutrient in the food supply, the manufacturer should provide a nutrient declaration that is accurate and does not suggest a greater level of precision in the amount of the nutrient present than is practical. 如果在少于25mg(mcg)之间,数值取小数点后一位。
A vitamin or mineral with an RDI of at least 25 mg or mcg, but less than 250 mg or mcg, would not be declared on the Supplement Facts label if it contains less than 2 percent of the RDI unless the quantitative amount is declared to the nearest mg or mcg. However, for conventional foods, declaring the quantitative amounts of such nutrients to the nearest tenth or hundredth of a mg or mcg could indicate that there is greater precision in the amount of the nutrients present in a serving of the product than is practical, given the variation in the food supply. Therefore, the quantitative amount of vitamins or minerals with an RDI of at least 25 mg or mcg but less than 250 mg or mcg (i.e. vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, iodine, selenium, chromium, and molybdenum) should be declared to the nearest mg or mcg per serving. 如果在25和250mg(mcg)之间,数值取整数。
A vitamin or mineral with an RDI of at least 250 mg or mcg, but less than 500 mg or mcg, would not be declared on the Supplement Facts label if it contains less than 2 percent of the RDI unless the quantitative amount is declared to the nearest 5 mg or mcg. However, for conventional foods, declaring the quantitative amounts of such nutrients to the nearest mg or mcg, or even to the nearest tenth of a mg or mcg, could indicate that there is greater precision in the amount of the nutrient present in a serving of the product than is practical given the variation in the food supply. Therefore, the quantitative amount of vitamins and minerals with an RDI of at least 250 mg or mcg, but less than 500 mg or mcg (i.e. folate and magnesium), should be rounded to the nearest 5 mg or mcg per serving. 如果数值在250到500mg(mcg)之间,数值进位取5。
A vitamin or mineral with an RDI of 500 mg or mcg or greater would not be declared on the Supplement Facts label if it contains less than 2 percent of the RDI unless the quantitative amount is declared to the nearest 10 mg or mcg. However, for conventional foods, declaring the quantitative amounts of such nutrients to the nearest 5 mg or mcg or smaller increment could indicate that there is greater precision in the amount of the nutrient present in a serving of the product than is practical given the variation in the food supply. Therefore, the quantitative amount of vitamins or minerals with an RDI of 500 mg or mcg or greater (i.e. vitamin A, calcium, phosphorous, chloride, potassium, and choline) should be rounded to the nearest 10 mg or mcg per serving. 如果数值在500mg(mcg)以上,数值进位取10。