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[公告]Fake bird's nest products invade bird's nest market in Xiamen


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发表于 2011-8-17 18:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式 | 阅读模式 | 发表于:福建省
TheXiamen Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau in Huli District recently cracked a case of fake birds nest, the cost of which is only a quarter of that of genuine birds nest, reports Xiamen Economic Daily.

The fake birds nestswere sold at RMB 15-30 per gram, while genuine birds nestsare usually sold at RMB 38 per gram at least, with some of them even sold at RMB 78 per gram.

At present, there are nearly 200 birds nest stores in Xiamen. Apart from some franchise stores owned by famous brands which are protected by brand laws, most of the stores are selling different birds nest products.

Therefore, most counterfeiters choose new brands to manufacture fake birds nest products.

Those news brands which just gain popularity in the market have a certain market share so that fake birds nest can also sell well,according to Mr Wu, the principal of onebird'snestspecialtyshop in Xiamen.

An industry insider said that due tothelack of supervision and standards inthebird's nest market, fake products appear frequently. Unlike other food, bird's nest is free from routine sampling ofby the QualitySupervisionDepartment. And bird's nest does not belong to health care products so that it is not subject to drug authorities.

The insider added that while customers are purchasing bird's nest products, it is necessary to ask for relevant certificates, such asasales certificate, hygiene certificate and certificate of imported goods.
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