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[讨论]South Korea lifts ban on US beef imports










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发表于 2008-7-1 11:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式 | 阅读模式 | 发表于:福建省
South Korea lifts ban on US beef imports, president calls on country to move past dispute
SEOUL (AP) -- South Korea lifted its ban on imports of U.S. beef Thursday, and President Lee Myung-bak called on the country to move past the dispute, which has paralyzed his government with weeks of tumultuous protests.
The import ban was lifted after South Korea won extra safeguards for an April deal that placed few restrictions on meat shipments, prompting outrage against Lee from critics who said he made too many concessions to Washington and ignored public concerns about mad cow disease.
Lee, who took office in February, has replaced his top aides over the mishandling of the beef issue and his entire Cabinet has offered to resign.
The Public Administration Ministry issued a legal notice Thursday of the U.S. import agreement, the final administrative step required to allow shipments to resume, ministry official Chang Su-wan said.
South Korea planned Friday to begin inspecting 5,300 tons of U.S. beef from earlier shipments held in customs storage facilities, according to the state-run National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service. The inspection could take some days and the beef could be on store shelves in about a week, agency spokesman Lee Byung-kwon said.
The agency had planned to start the inspections Thursday afternoon but postponed them due to protests by hundreds of labor union activists near 17 storage facilities across the country, Lee said.
Fresh U.S. beef shipments were expected to arrive in South Korea in about a month but major supermarkets have said they would not sell U.S. beef for the time being, citing public health concerns, according to media reports. Both the U.S. and South Korean governments insist the meat is safe.
Lee, who has been humbled by the protests but recently has shown increasing decisiveness in seeking to end the daily street rallies, said Thursday the country should now focus on boosting the economy _ his main campaign pledge that helped him win a landslide election victory last year.
"It's time for all of us to pull together our energies on the matter of reviving the economy," Lee told the Cabinet, according to his office. "If this situation continues, the common people will suffer damage."
Lee said if South Korea had failed to implement the beef deal, it would have lost its international credibility.
Prime Minister Han Seung-soo said in a nationally televised statement that the government would not tolerate illegal, violent protests against beef imports.
"Genuine candlelight protests have been turning into violent demonstrations calling for the ouster of a democratic government. That is a very regrettable thing," Han said. "We have to look at the future, not the past."
Under the new agreement, imports to South Korea will be limited to beef from cattle younger than 30 months, believed less susceptible to mad cow disease.
U.S. beef has been banned from South Korea for most of the past four and a half years, after the first case of mad cow disease in the U.S. was discovered in late 2003.
Demonstrations have dwindled in size since some 80,000 people gathered in central Seoul two weeks ago in the largest recent protest. On Wednesday night, about 5,000 people clashed in central Seoul with riot police, who used water cannons and fire extinguishers to repel the crowds, causing some injuries on both sides. About 140 protesters were arrested, police said.

(Mainichi Japan) June 26, 2008
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