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[分享]{中英对照版}(EC)No 1924/2006 《关于食品营养和健康声称》(9)










Foodmate Team

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发表于 2020-7-7 15:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式 | 阅读模式 | 发表于:山东省
食品翻译小编今天继续给大家更新(EC)No 1924/2006《关于食品营养和健康声称》的部分翻译内容~~欢迎大家和我们一起来学习

Article 12

Restrictions on the use of certain health claims



The following health claims shall not be allowed:


(a) claims which suggest that health could be affected by not consuming the food;


(b) claims which make reference to the rate or amount of weight loss;


(c) claims which make reference to recommendations of individual doctors or health professionals and other associations not referred to in Article 11.


Article 13

Health claims other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children's development and health



1.Health claims describing or referring to:

1. 若健康声称描述或提及:

(a) the role of a nutrient or other substance in growth, development and the functions of the body; or


(b) psychological and behavioural functions; or


(c) without prejudice to Directive 96/8/EC, slimming or weight-control or a reduction in the sense of hunger or an increase in the sense of satiety or to the reduction of the available energy from the diet,


which are indicated in the list provided for in paragraph 3 may be made without undergoing the procedures laid down in Articles 15 to 19, if they are:


(i)based on generally accepted scientific evidence; and


(ii) well understood by the average consumer.


2. Member States shall provide the Commission with lists of claims as referred to in paragraph 1 by 31 January 2008 at the latest accompanied by the conditions applying to them and by references to the relevant scientific justification.

2. 成员国应最迟于2008年1月31日前向委员会提交第1款所述声称清单,并随附上述健康声称的适用条件及其参照的相关科学根据。

3. After consulting the Authority, the Commission shall adopt, in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 25(3), a Community list, designed to amend non-essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, of permitted claims as referred to in paragraph 1 and all necessary conditions for the use of these claims by 31 January 2010 at the latest.

3. 经与欧盟食品安全局磋商后,委员会应最迟于2010年1月31日前根据第25条第3款所述监管审查程序就第1款所批准声称采用一份欧共体清单——旨在增补修订本条例非基本要素,以及使用这些声称的所有必要条件。

4. Any changes to the list referred to in paragraph 3, based on generally accepted scientific evidence and designed to amend non- essential elements of this Regulation by supplementing it, shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 25(3), after consulting the Authority, on the Commission's own initiative or following a request by a Member State.

4. 经与欧盟食品安全局磋商后,委员会应主动或应成员国请求根据第25条第3款所述监管审查程序采用旨在增补修订本条例非基本要素且基于普遍接受的科学证据对第3款所述清单做出的任何修改。

5. Any additions of claims to the list referred to in paragraph 3 based on newly developed scientific evidence and/or which include a request for the protection of proprietary data shall be adopted following the procedure laid down in Article 18, except claims referring to children's development and health, which shall be authorised in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 15, 16, 17 and 19.

5. 应根据第18条规定程序采用基于最新发现的科学证据提出的第3款所述清单声称增加请求(及/或包括保护专有数据请求),涉及儿童发育与健康的声称除外,这类声称应根据第15、16、17和19条规定程序进行授权)。

Article 14

Reduction of disease risk claims and claims referring to children's development and health



1.Notwithstanding Article 2(1)(b) of Directive 2000/13/EC, the following claims may be made where they have been authorised in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 15, 16, 17 and 19 of this Regulation for inclusion in a Community list of such permitted claims together with all the necessary conditions for the use of these claims:

1. 尽管指令2000/13/EC第2条第1款(b)项有所规定,如果根据本条例第15、16、17和19条,以下声称已获得批准,则可申请将这些声称列入欧共体清单,并随附这些声称的所有必要使用条件:

(a) reduction of disease risk claims;


(b) claims referring to children's development and health.


2. In addition to the general requirements laid down in this Regulation and the specific requirements of paragraph 1, for reduction of disease risk claims the labelling or, if no such labelling exists, the presentation or advertising shall also bear a statement indicating that the disease to which the claim is referring has multiple risk factors and that altering one of these risk factors may or may not have a beneficial effect.

2. 除本条例规定的通用要求及第1款中具体要求外,对于降低疾病风险的声称,标签(若无,则为说明书或广告)还应指出声称中提到的疾病涉及多种风险因素,改变上述风险因素中的任何一种,可能或不能产生有益作用。



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