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[分享]{中英对照版}(EC)No 1924/2006 《关于食品营养和健康声称》(2)










Foodmate Team

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发表于 2020-6-24 10:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式 | 阅读模式 | 发表于:山东省
食品翻译小编今天继续给大家跟新(EC)No 1924/2006《关于食品营养和健康声称》的部分翻译内容,希望小伙伴们多多关注我们,更多精彩内容我们也会更新在公众号(传实翻译),大家也可以关注我们哟~~

(11) The application of nutrient profiles as a criterion would aim to avoid a situation where nutrition or health claims mask the overall nutritional status of a food product, which could mislead consumers when trying to make healthy choices in the context of a balanced diet. Nutrient profiles as provided for in this Regulation should be intended for the sole purpose of governing the circumstances in which claims may be made. They should be based on generally accepted scientific evidence relative to the relationship between diet and health. However, profiles should also allow for product innovation and should take into account the variability of dietary habits and traditions, and the fact that individual products may have an important role in the context of an overall diet.


(12) The establishment of nutrient profiles should take into account the content of different nutrients and substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, in particular those such as fat, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, salt/sodium and sugars, excessive intakes of which in the overall diet are not recommended, as well as poly- and mono-unsaturated fats, available carbohydrates other than sugars, vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre. When setting the nutrient profiles, the different categories of foods and the place and role of these foods in the overall diet should be taken into account and due regard should be given to the various dietary habits and consumption patterns existing in the Member States. Exemptions from the requirement to respect established nutrient profiles may be necessary for certain foods or categories of foods depending on their role and importance in the diet of the population. These would be complex technical tasks and the adoption of the relevant measures should be entrusted to the Commission, taking into account the advice of the European Food Safety Authority.


(13) Food supplements as defined in Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements presented in a liquid form and containing more than 1,2 % by volume of alcohol are not considered as beverages under this Regulation.


(14) There is a wide variety of claims currently used in the labelling and advertising of foods in some Member States relating to substances that have not been shown to be beneficial or for which at present there is not sufficient scientific agreement. It is necessary to ensure that the substances for which a claim is made have been shown to have a beneficial nutritional or physiological effect.


(15) In order to ensure that the claims made are truthful, it is necessary that the substance that is the subject of the claim is present in the final product in quantities that are sufficient, or that the substance is absent or present in suitably reduced quantities, to produce the nutritional or physiological effect claimed. The substance should also be available to be used by the body. In addition, and where appropriate, a significant amount of the substance producing the claimed nutritional or physiological effect should be provided by a quantity of the food that can reasonably be expected to be consumed.


(16) It is important that claims on foods can be understood by the consumer and it is appropriate to protect all consumers from misleading claims. However, since the enactment of Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 September 1984 concerning misleading and comparative advertising, the Court of Justice of the European Communities has found it necessary in adjudicating on advertising cases to examine the effect on a notional, typical consumer. In line with the principle of proportionality, and to enable the effective application of the protective measures contained in it, this Regulation takes as a benchmark the average consumer, who is reasonably well-informed and reasonably observant and circumspect, taking into account social, cultural and linguistic factors, as interpreted by the Court of Justice, but makes provision to prevent the exploitation of consumers whose characteristics make them particularly vulnerable to misleading claims. Where a claim is specifically aimed at a particular group of consumers, such as children, it is desirable that the impact of the claim be assessed from the perspective of the average member of that group. The average consumer test is not a statistical test. National courts and authorities will have to exercise their own faculty of judgment, having regard to the case-law of the Court of Justice, to determine the typical reaction of the average consumer in a given case.


(17) Scientific substantiation should be the main aspect to be taken into account for the use of nutrition and health claims and the food business operators using claims should justify them. A claim should be scientifically substantiated by taking into account the totality of the available scientific data, and by weighing the evidence.


(18) A nutrition or health claim should not be made if it is inconsistent with generally accepted nutrition and health principles or if it encourages or condones excessive consumption of any food or disparages good dietary practice.


(19) Given the positive image conferred on foods bearing nutrition and health claims and the potential impact these foods may have on dietary habits and overall nutrient intakes, the consumer should be able to evaluate their global nutritional quality. Therefore, nutrition labelling should be compulsory and should be extensive on all foods bearing health claims.

(19)考虑到做出营养和健康声称的食品上给出的正面形象以及这些食品对膳食习惯和营养素总体摄入量可能具有的潜在影响,消费者应能够评估其总体营养雷竞技百科 。因此,做出健康声称的所有食品应强制标示营养标签。

(20) General nutritional labelling provisions are contained in Council Directive 90/496/EEC of 24 September 1990 on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs . According to that Directive, where a nutrition claim appears on labelling, in presentation or in advertising, with the exclusion of generic advertising, nutrition labelling should be compulsory. Where a nutrition claim is made for sugars, saturates, fibre or sodium, the information to be given should be that of Group 2 as defined in Article 4(1) of Directive 90/496/EEC. In order to achieve a high level of consumer protection, this obligation to provide the information of Group 2 should apply mutatis mutandis where any health claim is made, with the exception of generic advertising.




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