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tag标签: 糖苷


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甜菊糖苷是前甜还是后甜attach_img 食品生产技术 zyy199706162021-12-21 4636 zyy199706162021-12-21 16:49
【现货供应】肉苁蓉提取物、毛蕊花糖苷、松果菊苷可做双规格attachment 供求信息 Afra.Han2022-5-12 3342 nanazwx_G5qTlF2024-2-1 14:24
甜菊糖苷 供求信息 qishu2022-8-4 5433 jeff.su2022-8-4 11:59
安赛蜜 和 甜菊糖苷 有什么区别? 供求信息 ibq002022-8-13 181454 鲁西西1232023-4-18 08:33
被称为最有希望的麦芽低聚糖:麦芽四糖究竟有何不同?attach_img 食品添加剂和配料 王中泰2022-11-14 0303 王中泰2022-11-14 16:00
β- 葡萄糖苷酶产生菌的诱变育种attachment 食品生产技术 splyw2022-12-4 2224 wang1117yan2022-12-4 14:07
黑曲霉变种 RM48α2半乳糖苷酶的分离纯化及其酶学性质研究attachment 食品生产技术 splyw2022-12-10 3237 猴子2582022-12-12 08:25
木糖苷酶的分离纯化、酶学性质及水解机理研究attachment 食品生产技术 splyw2022-12-25 1307 wang1117yan2022-12-25 11:35
绳状青霉β-葡萄糖苷酶的分离纯化及其酶学性质研究attachment 食品生产技术 splyw2022-12-31 2233 猴子2582022-12-31 14:44
甜菊糖苷在蛋糕中应用attachment 食品添加剂和配料 甜菊糖东东2023-3-2 2358 甜菊糖东东2023-3-2 14:54
配料表中葡萄糖基甜菊糖苷该如何正确标示?attachment 食品行业监管 车车0012023-3-23 291089 xin_XrD2023-3-27 09:44
关于“葡萄糖基甜菊糖苷”标签标识问题attach_img 食品行业监管 车车0012023-3-25 30977 石竹2023-3-26 06:26
透明质酸的制备及应用研究进展attach_img 食品添加剂和配料 王中泰2023-4-4 0404 王中泰2023-4-4 18:06
求助看添加剂有无不良反应attachment 食品添加剂和配料 191037800052023-5-16 20432 191037800052023-5-16 13:02
请问葡萄糖基甜菊糖苷里面含蔗糖吗?attachment 食品行业监管 车车0012023-5-22 8371 甜菊糖东东2023-6-1 15:38
热烈欢迎曲阜鲁豫食品添加剂有限公司入驻雷竞技电竞 商务中心VIP企业会员! 供求信息 foodec2023-5-25 2362 展会小编2023-5-25 09:00
甜菊糖苷RA\RD\RM\STV、葡萄糖基甜菊糖苷(酶改制)、甜菊糖苷(片剂、颗粒、液体...attach_img 供求信息 甜菊糖苷寻振2023-5-26 2256 甜菊糖苷寻振2023-5-30 10:10
毕业论文,关于硫代葡萄糖苷的测定问题 学子学习与交流 撞地球2023-7-9 3188 撞地球2023-7-9 20:32
甜菊糖苷和胡萝卜素使用量 食品添加剂和配料 左边的幸福2023-9-19 2289 dlshuij2023-9-19 21:45
添加剂葡萄糖基甜菊糖苷的执行标准问题attach_img 食品标准化 kevincui2023-10-7 8667 小雷MJ2024-1-3 14:15


分享 酯化甾醇糖苷 Esterified Steryl Glucosides
carbosynth 2012-12-21 10:20
Cat. Number 1118 Chemical Name 酯化甾醇糖苷 Esterified Steryl Glucosides Category natural Mol. Formula C51H90O7 Mol. Weight 815 Qty 1 10mg Appearance solid Application Notes 98+%TLC Solubility chloroform, ethyl ether, pyridine References Composition: Sterol, glucose and fatty acid in a molar ratio 1:1:1 1. K. Phillips et al. “Analysis of Steryl Glucosides in Foods and Dietary Supplements by Solid-Phase Extraction and Gas Chromatography” Journal of Food and Lipids, Vol. 12 pp. 124-140, 2005 2. R. Moreau et al. “Phytosterols, phytostanols, and their conjugates in foods: Structural diversity, quantitative analysis, and health-promoting uses” Prog. Lipid Res. Vol. 41 pp. 457-500, 2002 3. S. Grille et al. “The functions of steryl glycosides come to those who wait: Recent advances in plants, fungi, bacteria and animals” Prog Lipid Res, Vol. 49 pp. 262-288, 2010 4. R. Tabata et al. “Chronic Exposure to Dietary Sterol Glucosides is Neurotoxic to Motor Neurons and Induces an ALS-PDC Phenotype” Neuromolecular Med., Vol. 10(1) pp. 24, 2008 5. S. Usuki et al. “IGF-1 Induction by Acylated Steryl beta-Glucosides Found in a Pre-Germinated Brown Rice Diet Reduces Oxidative Stress in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes” PLoS ONE, Vol. 6(12) pp. 1-12, 2011 版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 电话:021- 60498804 ,38920908 ,58374317
个人分类: 色素甾醇标准品 | 370 次阅读 | 0个评论
分享 矢车菊素-3-桑布双糖苷Cyanidin 3-sambubioside
carbosynth 2012-12-3 11:23
strong{ font-weight:bold;} Cat. Number H2207 Chemical Name 矢车菊素-3-桑布双糖苷Cyanidin 3-sambubioside CAS Number 33012-73-6 Mol. Formula C26H29ClO15 Mol. Weight 617,0 g/mol Qty 1 10mg Qty 2 50mg Appearance The product shall be dark red /purple in colour, and shall normally be powdered. Application Notes Above 97% HPLC Synonym Cyanidin 3-O-β-sambubioside chloride,(2S,3R,4S,5R)-2- oxy-4,5-dihydroxy-6-(hydroxymethyl)oxan-3-yl]oxyoxane-3,4,5-triol chloride;Sambicyanin; Cyanidin 3-O-(2 Storage condition -5°C References Cyanidin 3-O- β -sambubioside is a natural colorant found in elderberries and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources (extraction processes). The product will release hydrochloric acid in water. The product is hygroscopic This product is intended for research in chemical laboratories. Only qualified individuals shall be considered treating this product. The purchaser should recognize that the supplier of this product under no circumstances is responsible for the applications of the product in the field of human or animal consumption or tests related to human or animal health. The supplier is not responsible for this product as part of drugs, cosmetics, food additives, products for domestic use or veterinary products. The purchaser is responsible for the use and storage of this product as soon as he receives the product. 版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 电话:021- 60498804 ,38920908 ,58374317
个人分类: 花青素系列标准品 | 427 次阅读 | 0个评论
分享 矢车菊素-3-槐糖苷Cyanidin 3-sophoroside
carbosynth 2012-12-3 10:22
strong{ font-weight:bold;} Cat. Number H2209 Chemical Name 矢车菊素-3-槐糖苷Cyanidin 3-sophoroside CAS Number 18376-31-3 Mol. Formula C27H31ClO16 Mol. Weight 647,0 g/mol Qty 1 10mg Qty 2 50mg Appearance The product shall be dark red /purple in colour, and shall normally be powdered. Application Notes Above 97% HPLC Synonym Cyanidin 3-O-β-sophoroside chloride Storage condition -5°C References Cyanidin 3-O- β -sophoroside is a natural colorant found in cherries and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources (extraction processes). The product will release hydrochloric acid in water. The product is hygroscopic This product is intended for research in chemical laboratories. Only qualified individuals shall be considered treating this product. The purchaser should recognize that the supplier of this product under no circumstances is responsible for the applications of the product in the field of human or animal consumption or tests related to human or animal health. The supplier is not responsible for this product as part of drugs, cosmetics, food additives, products for domestic use or veterinary products. The purchaser is responsible for the use and storage of this product as soon as he receives the product. 版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 电话:021- 60498804 ,38920908 ,58374317
个人分类: 花青素系列标准品 | 471 次阅读 | 0个评论
分享 矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷 Cyanidin 3-rutinoside chloride
carbosynth 2012-12-3 09:44
strong{ font-weight:bold;} Cat. Number H2206 Chemical Name 矢车菊素-3-芸香糖苷 Cyanidin 3-rutinoside chloride CAS Number 65941-77-7 Mol. Formula C27H31ClO15 Mol. Weight 631,0 g/mol Qty 1 10mg Qty 2 50mg Appearance The product shall be dark red /purple in colour, and shall normally be powdered. Application Notes Above 97% HPLC Synonym (2S,3R,4S,5R,6R)-2- oxy-6- oxymethyl]oxane-3,4,5-triol chloride;Keracyanin; Cyanidin 3-rhamnoglucoside; Cyanidin 3-O-(6 Storage condition -5°C References Cyanidin 3-O- β -rutinoside is a natural colorant found in blackcurrants and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources (extraction processes). The product will release hydrochloric acid in water. The product is hygroscopic. The product has a purity 97% as detected by high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) connected to UV /Vis detector at 280nm and 520nm. The rest is impurities of other anthocyanins, flavonoids or polyphenols. 版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 电话:021- 60498804 ,38920908 ,58374317
个人分类: 花青素系列标准品 | 571 次阅读 | 0个评论
分享 矢车菊素阿拉伯糖苷Cyanidin 3-arabinoside
carbosynth 2012-12-3 09:27
strong{ font-weight:bold;} Cat. Number H1203 Chemical Name 矢车菊素阿拉伯糖苷Cyanidin 3-arabinoside CAS Number 57186-11-5 Mol. Formula C20H19ClO10 Mol. Weight 454,8 g/mol Qty 1 10mg Appearance dark red /purple in colour, and shall normally be powdered Application Notes Above 97% HPLC Synonym Cyanidin 3-O-a-arabinopyranoside chloride Storage condition -5°C References Cyanidin 3-O- a -arabinopyranoside is a natural colorant found in bilberries and other fruits and flowers. It is produced from natural sources (extraction processes). The product will release hydrochloric acid in water. The product is hygroscopic. 版权所有:上海惠诚生物科技有限公司 沪ICP备11013072 地址:上海市徐汇区漕溪路258弄27号航星商务楼2-404 电话:021- 60498804 ,38920908 ,58374317
个人分类: 花青素系列标准品 | 379 次阅读 | 0个评论
分享 干海参 和盐渍海参 糖苷海参 即食海参 哪个营养价值比较高?
oushinan77qq 2012-10-12 08:45
海参的 营养 价值是 一样 的 ,没区别。活海参不能直接吃,因为大分子蛋白不能被人体直接吸收,所以任何海参都需要发制才可食用。淡干海参、盐干海参、盐渍海参是活海参加工后的一种形态,都需要发制才能食用。区别是淡干海参更贵(因为里面水分极少), 即食海参是经过深加工的,可以锁住 90% 的营养,方便食用。 刺参主要是在威海,大连,烟台,青岛。威海三面环海, 沿海岩礁众多,海藻茂密,海底腐植碎屑丰富,因此所产海参个体肥大,突棘粗大,肉质肥厚,鲜嫩可口。 “ 威海野生刺参 ” 获农业部农产品地理标志产品、国家质检总局地理标志产品保护, “ 威海刺参 ” 注册为 “ 中国地理标志商标 ” 。刺参的养殖条件: 海水水深 3 至 20m ,水温 0 至 30℃ ,盐度 26‰ 至 39‰ , pH 值 7.5 至 8.6 。我一直吃着威海的干海参,泡发率高,肉还厚,有嚼头, 威海有几家大的海参生产销售厂家,圣洲股份,好当家,威海威宝,双举海参。我一直吃着威海威宝的干海参,是一个品牌海参,就是看中了这一点。因为我们家是老人吃,威海威宝的健康营养专家给我提了很多的宝贵意见跟建议,比如是什么季节吃什么样的海参,什么样的体质吃什么样的海参,威海威宝的健康营养专家给了我很大的帮助,他们家的即食海参是小包装的,价格45--50一个吧应该是,我觉得价格有点小贵,但是雷竞技百科 有保障所以就不在乎那么多了,对老人啊,孕妇,手术后患者都有着神奇的疗效,希望大家支持,谢谢。
574 次阅读 | 0个评论


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