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发表于 2006-9-18 02:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 | 倒序浏览 | 阅读模式 | 阅读模式 | 发表于:广东省
Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You"re better than onein a million, or a billion, or a 1)gazillion…You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!
  You"re amazing! You"re awesome! And by the way, TAG, you"re it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don"t become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.
  Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.
  Paint a Masterpiece.
  God gives every bird its food, but he doesn"t throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it"s truly up to you.

  真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧!


参与人数1 粮票+20 金币+10 收起理由
Garfield + 20 + 10 thanks


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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 02:54 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省


Secret of success: Be a bulldog(牛头犬,坚持己见的人)
It"s perhaps the most crucial ingredient of corporate leadership, and you can"t learn it in business school: The stubborn determination it takes to get stuff done.
Jeffrey Pfeffer
September 5 2006

(Business 2.0) -- On a typical day, I"m surrounded by a lot of people who are probably smarter than I am, whether I"m in a classroom full of MBAs or in a boardroom with top executives. But I"m wise enough to know one thing that many of them overlook - or at least underestimate - about what it takes to succeed.

Bear with me for a moment, as this philosophical nugget will sound hopelessly banal to some, painfully obvious to others: All the brains and connections in the world won"t matter unless you also have the bullheaded determination it takes to get things done.

I was reminded of this fact during recent visits with a handful of foreign and domestic CEOs, each of whom independently mentioned the don"t-give-up mentality as the most crucial ingredient to their success.

Take the story of Lars Dalgaard, the CEO of SuccessFactors, a 300-person venture-backed company in Silicon Valley that sells human resources software. Dalgaard launched the firm in 2001 by buying the intellectual property of Austin-Hayne, a company that sold a product for automating performance reviews but had annual sales of just $480,000 after seven years. Dalgaard switched the product to a Web-based version, added new applications, and hired more engineering talent to make the offering scalable. But Dalgaard will tell you that he began to build what is now a thriving company around a product that was given up for dead.

That was just one hurdle. When SuccessFactors"s first telesales initiative failed, the company tried outsourcing. But terrible customer service forced it to try again in-house - this time with a young sales team that lacked training and product knowledge. Another disaster.

So Dalgaard invested in more training, continuous feedback, and rehearsals for sales calls. Today, on its fourth try, SuccessFactors is making telesales work: Revenue is growing at 120 percent annually, and telesales, Dalgaard says, is a significant part of the growth.

The lesson? Learn from what isn"t working - a skill Dalgaard considers rare in today"s corporate culture, which, he says, "is optimized more for an IPO than for building a sustainable company."

Sanjay Chakrabarty, the 35-year-old founder of Mobiapps, learned the hard way about giving up too soon. The Singapore-based company, Chakrabarty"s third startup, sells mobile equipment-tracking systems. His first startup(创业), which he launched as a college junior in 1990, focused on client-server applications. But when he and his two partners got job offers after graduation and someone was willing to buy the company, albeit for a pittance, they sold.

A few years later, when he discovered a similar startup grossing tens of millions of dollars, Chakrabarty realized he"d tossed in the towel too early. Today his perseverance is paying off at Mobiapps, which recently won venture backing from Intel Capital and 3I.

Chakrabarty earned his master"s at Carnegie Mellon but says he"s learned more in the years since. Many MBAs, he says, are geared to the intellectual rigors of running a company but can be reluctant to get their hands dirty, believing that smarts and connections will open doors so they won"t need to do the actual work.

"You need the persistence," he says, "to deal with the difference between what your plans predict and what actually occurs."

That resilience is especially crucial for small businesses. As one study of 29 small firms operating in depressed regions of the United States found, some companies are great at making something out of nothing, while others aren"t.

For instance, the billing manager of a small telecom startup that wanted to offer a variety of calling plans taught himself the software and cobbled together a system that saved back-office costs and still allowed tiered pricing. The difference between success and failure among companies in the study came down to either accepting resource constraints and giving up, or seeing possibilities others didn"t.

As you think about qualities to seek in new hires--and in yourself--take seriously that other philosophical nugget, from Woody Allen: "Eighty percent of success is showing up."

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 02:55 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省


Men Are From Google, Women Are From Yahoo

On the Internet, as in life, men and women have different motivations for doing what they do. According to a recent report from Pew Internet and American Life, women view the Internet as a place to extend, support, and nurture relationships and communities.

Men tend to see it as an office, a library, or a playground--screw the community, this is about function not family.

The report found that women are more enthusiastic communicators, using email in a more robust way. Not only sending and receiving more email than men, women are more likely to write to family and friends about a variety of topics, sharing news, joys and worries, planning events, and forwarding jokes and stories.

While both sexes equally appreciate the efficiency and convenience of email, women are more likely than men to value the medium for its positive effects on improving relationships, expanding networks, and encouraging teamwork at the office.

"Women also value email for a kind of positive, water-cooler effect, which lightens the atmosphere of office life," reads the 54-page report.

The report found that women are more likely to use the Internet for emailing, getting maps and directions (after all, we men always know where we"re going), looking for health and medical information, seeking support for health and personal problems, and getting religious information.

Men tend to be more intense Internet users than women, being more likely to go online daily (61% of men and 57% of women) and more likely to go online several times a day (44% of men and 39% of women).

Men also tend to go online in greater numbers than women but for a much broader variety of reasons. Men are more likely to use the Internet to check the weather, get news, find do-it-yourself information, acquire sports scores and information, look for political information, do job-related research, download software, listen to music, rate a product/person/service through an online reputation system, download music, use a webcam, and take a class.

Note there was nothing about "nurturing relationships."

Here are some stats for the number crunchers:

· 67% of the adult American population goes online, including 68% of men and 66% of women

· 86% of women ages 18-29 are online, compared with 80% of men that age.

· 34% of men 65 and older use the Internet, compared with 21% of women that age.

· 62% of unmarried men compared with 56% of unmarried women go online

· 75% of married women and 72% of married men go online

· 61% of childless men compared with 57% of childless women go online

· 81% of men with children and 80% of women with children go online.

· 52% of men and 48% of women have high-speed connections at home

· 94% of online women and 88% of online men use email

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 02:57 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省

Myths of Women"s Weight Training and Female Bodybuilding

Women Bodybuilding Myths

The myths about women"s weight training and female bodybuilding do not ever seem to go away. I"d like stop the weight training and bodybuilding myths from circulating in gyms and instead, share the real facts about female bodybuilding.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #1 -Weight training makes you bulky.
Due to the fact that women do not and cannot naturally produce as much testosterone (one of the main hormones responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass. Unfortunately, the image that may come to your mind is that of professional female bodybuilders. Most of these women, unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity. In addition,

most also have good genetics coupled with an unbelievable work ethic that enable them to gain muscle quickly when they spend hours in the gym lifting very heavy weights. Believe me when I say that they do not look like that by accident. Women who conduct weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness/figure

Women"s Weight Training Myth #2 - Exercise increases your chest size.
Sorry girls. Women’s breasts are composed mostly of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to increase breast size through weight training. As a matter of fact, if you go below 12 percent body fat (which I don’t recommend doing), your breast size will decrease. Weight training does increase the size of the back, so this misconception probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #3 - Weight training makes you stiff and musclebound.
If you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flyes, stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #4 - If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat.
This is like saying that gold can turn into brass. Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What happens many times is that when people decide to go off their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits combined with the fact that their metabolism is lower due to inactivity, and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the subject’s muscle is being turned into fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is being lost and fat is being accumulated.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #5 - Weight training turns fat into muscle.
More alchemy. This is the equivalent of saying that you can turn any metal into gold; don"t we wish! The way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics and diet simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #6 - As long as you exercise you can eat anything that you want.
How I wish this were true also! However, this could not be further from the truth. Our individual metabolism determines how many calories we burn at rest and while we exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn on a consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra calories as fat regardless of the amount of exercise that we do. This myth may have been created by people with such high metabolic rates (hardgainers) that no matter how much they eat or what they eat, they rarely meet or exceed the amount of calories that they burn in one day unless they put their mind to doing so. Therefore, their weight either remains stable or goes down. If you are confused about nutrition, please read Nutrition Basics.

Women"s Weight Training Myth #7 - Women only need to do cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be very light.
First of all, if you only did cardio then muscle and fat would be burned for fuel. One needs to do weights in order to get the muscle building machine going and thus prevent any loss of muscle tissue. Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that they want. As far as the lifting of very light weights, this is just more nonsense. Muscle responds to resistance and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no reason for the body to change.

Women Should Train Hard
I have trained with girls that train as hard as I do and they look nothing but feminine. If you want to look great, don"t be afraid to pick up the weights and lift hard!

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 02:58 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省


Become your own boss 做自己的老板

Start your own online business today

By Jakob Jelling

Everyone wants to earn money by using as less effort as possible. According to a survey there are about 6,00,000 openings in small business every year. The very easy way of earning money is start your own online business. But it is easy in term that you don’t have to put in much of physical labor but nevertheless you have to be spot on with your decisions. You have to put in some mental effort in the work. But to start up your own business you have to learn the basics first and then take each step one by one rather than going for all at once.

A survey conducted by SBA states that two third of new business survives at least two year and about forty four percent survives at least four year. But the two most important factors on which success depends are the owner’s education level and the reason for starting up the business. If these two factors complement each other well than there is more chance of getting the success. Put it the other way round your success entirely depends on you. If there is will than there is a way.


But few questions which you must ask yourself before starting up the business are: are you ready to start the business? Have you prepared yourself mentally for the new position? You will be the one to take all decisions and you have to handle all the deals. This is the one reason why many people choose to start their own business but this can easily back fire on you and can drive you crazy. At the start you have to handle thousands of questions and have to take many decisions in very little time. This is the most testing time for most of the people and if you pass this stage successfully than its more likely that you will succeed in your business.

The second question you must keep in mind is the type of audience you are targeting? This is a very important point which you must always keep in mind before starting any business. It can significantly improve the overall performance of your business and can also lead to downfalls if not executed properly.

The third question is about your plan and strategy. You have to decide about the infrastructures you will need before you start up the work. Whether you have to make use of internet or you go for more traditional approach. Are you going to work full time or part time?

The last thing is that you will definitely need some type of help at some point. You may need some advice, some tool or information. You can face unexpected things at any point of time. How will you handle these real time situations? What you have to keep in mind is that no business is perfect and therefore loss and profit is part of every business. So you should always try to work on support system while you are working so that you can get it at the time of need.

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 02:59 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省


Ten Ways to Cheer Up

Feeling a little blue? Here are ten fast and easy ways to smile.


1. Play outside外出游玩

Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you.

2. Exercise运动

When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical called endorphins. This chemical makes you feel happier. That is just another reason why exercise is good for you.

3. Have a Heart-to-Heart促膝谈心

If something is bothering you, it is a good idea to talk about it. Call a friend or relative. A good chat is great way to feel better fast.

4. Play Pop Music 演奏流行音乐

Westlife, Backstreet Boys, S.H.E…who doesn’t like a little mindless pop? Listening to upbeat, happy music will make you smile. Singing along won’t hurt either.

5. Laughter is the best medicine开怀大笑是一剂良药

Laughing is the best way to improve your mood. Children laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times a day. What happened? Be a kid for a day: play games, watch funny movies, or read jokes online.

6. Power of Chocolate巧克力的力量

Chocolate has special natural chemicals that make you happy. Plus, it tastes so good!

7. Draw画画

Be an artist! Draw, paint, or make something. Even if it is not perfect, being creative relieves stress.

8. Get a dog养一条小狗

Dogs are cute, energetic, and fun. Plus, studies show that people with pets live longer and people with dogs live the longest!

9. Breathe呼吸

If you can’t go to the gym, try taking deep breaths. Breathing deeply will relax your muscles and give you energy.

10. Think positive积极乐观地考虑问题

Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene or a time when you were happy and feeling good.

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:00 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省

Welcome to Beijing in 2008

(Interviewing a volunteer for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)
Interviewer: First, would you like to explain why you are interested in this job?
  Interviewee: Well, I think it’s very meaningful to participate in something as special as this; you know, to be able to welcome overseas friends and to make them feel at home, what a privilege!
  Interviewer: Nice, and what will you do when an overseas guest asks for help?
  Interviewee: That’s easy. I’ll just try my best to help them! If they ask for directions, I’ll make sure they know where they are on the map and then point them in the right direction. If they need suggestions for entertainment, I’ll show them around. If they are short of money, I’ll… give them money!
  Interviewer: Give them money? Are you sure? Why not give me some?
  Interviewee: Hehe … sorry, that’s a mistake. I meant I’ll try my best to help them.
  Interviewer: You’ve got the right idea, and have a very good attitude indeed. And by the way, what will you do if you encounter some unfriendly guests that have some unreasonable requests?
  Interviewee: Well, in that case, I’ll stay calm and politely explain the reason why I can’t be of more assistance. Trust me. I’ll be able to find the balance between being a good host to foreigners and maintaining the dignity, virtue and honor of our Chinese traditions.
  Interviewer: I understand it’s quite a delicate balance. And I’m very happy to see that you understand this too - you are hired!
  Interviewee: Really? Hoo-ray!
  Interviewer: Behave yourself!
  Interviewee: Oh, yes sir!

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:01 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省

中国社会调查Driven to Be Made in China

Driven to Be Made in China

The young have things their parents only dreamed of. But there's a lot of hand-wringing. They want wealth, and they want it now.

By Mark Magnier
Times Staff Writer

July 11, 2005

BEIJING — Across Chinese society, signs of stress and restless energy are everywhere.

Jiaolu, or anxiety, a new buzzword, produces nearly a million hits on Google China. A recent survey by the newspaper China Youth Daily found that 66% of young people considered themselves under heavy pressure and fewer than 1% felt stress-free.

Youngsters have little time for anything but class and homework, and as jiaolu builds, teen suicide rates rise. "Dear parents, I can hardly express my gratitude for bringing me up," read a note left by Tian Tian, a 12-year-old girl in the northern province of Shanxi. "But I feel under such pressure. There is too much homework for me. I have no choice but to die."

Late last year, the southern city of Shenzhen opened the mainland's first hotline for students feeling left behind, in a nation where parents often sit in on their children's intense college prep classes to urge them on. "Help for Underachievers Just a Phone Call Away," blared a headline about the new service, first detailed in the Guangzhou Daily.

When Shanghai-based Want Want Co. ran an ad recently with the tag line "If you eat this cracker, you'll get rich," demand for the snacks skyrocketed until government watchdogs pulled the plug. Their move followed complaints by consumers worried that turning down a Want Want might undercut their shot at wealth.

Young urban Chinese enjoy a lifestyle their parents only dreamed of. Car and apartment ownership is at an all-time high, and conspicuous consumption is all the rage. Many people are earning huge sums through job skills that would have landed their parents in reeducation camps during the Cultural Revolution — such as a global mind-set, a command of foreign languages and an intuitive understanding of capitalism. The Communist Party's grip on their lives is weakening as Beijing increasingly supervises rather than controls the roaring economy, allowing those with talent to get ahead.

So why is there so much angst?

Experts say the very forces that provide unprecedented opportunity for young people in the new China are also delivering unprecedented stress, particularly though not exclusively in urban areas. Common among young Chinese is a feeling that they're living in a once-in-a-few-centuries era when dynasties topple and individual fortunes are made — and that they're missing out.

"The whole society is impatient, especially the young people," said Zhou Xiaozheng, a professor of sociology at People's University in Beijing. "President Hu Jintao said recently we Chinese must be modest and cautious and avoid arrogance. Of course, that means we're none of these things."

Though pressure to do well is evident almost everywhere in the world, experts say it's greater in China in part because people here think the nation has arrived late to the global economic party and needs to make up for lost time. Catching up economically with rich neighbors such as Japan and South Korea is seen as a way of "regaining" China's rightful place on the international stage.

Insecurity among young professionals, often manifest in frenzied job-hopping, is fueled by media coverage of the super-rich, such as online-game mogul Chen Tianqiao, worth an estimated $1.05 billion at age 31. Or Huang Guangyu, founder of electronic retailer GoMe, estimated to be worth $1.3 billion at 35. Or thirtysomething Ding Lei of Internet portal NetEase, at $668 million.

By most measures, Wang Sujun is doing well. The 32-year-old has a master's degree from Peking University, China's Harvard, and a prestigious job with Beijing Mobile, a major telecommunications company. He says he's happily married and in March welcomed the arrival of a healthy daughter, Zizuo. In a country where the average annual salary is less than $1,000, he's making more than 11 times that much.

But Wang doesn't feel successful.

"Life is so stressful, I feel enormous pressure on my shoulders all the time," he said, his words tumbling out in a series of rapid bursts. "If I could only do better somehow, I might become rich and happy."

When he meets with his three best friends, they talk about what they need to be more successful. Wang wants more money, and he worries that his peers have better jobs, nicer apartments, fancier cars.

"Each dog has its barking day," he said. "I keep asking, when is my day? I'm older and older. I know I should catch up. But I worry there isn't much time left."

Three wrenching transitions are battering Chinese society, and experts say that any one would be enough to jolt people's mental equilibrium: The economic system is in the midst of a 180-degree turn from communism to a market system. Hundreds of millions of people are migrating to the cities from the countryside. And where stability and duty once reigned, risk-taking is now the order of the day.

Most Chinese are far better off than they were before the government opened up the economy. Hundreds of millions have been lifted from poverty; they have more choice as consumers and greater opportunity for education. About 350 million people own cellphones and 95 million can access the Internet. But where once everyone suffered together, today they are watching the gap widen between the haves and the have-nots.

"Many people our age are psychologically unbalanced," said Zhou Pei, 48, a truck driver in Beijing. "What's so great about letting a few get rich while so many more are dragged into poverty? I really miss the Mao period when things were equal, and wish we could bring back the good old days."

Sociologists have a name for this syndrome: relative deprivation.

"This is especially true when it's personal — people see a neighbor get rich even though they used to be classmates and just the same," said Wang Zhenyu, a sociologist with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. "Chinese impatience is perhaps most pronounced when it comes to money."

Aware of the potential for political instability, the current leadership of Hu and Premier Wen Jiabao has placed a priority on balanced economic development.

It's easy to see what they're afraid of. Multibillionaire Bill Gates consistently ranks at the top of the list when schoolchildren are asked to name the person they most admire. Relatives used to burn fake money to mourn the dead and help them in the afterlife, but now they add modern status symbols to the pyre: mock credit cards, paper replicas of luxury cars and cardboard cellphones. Seductive images of wealth and status blanket the airwaves.

Young people looking for some way to balance the materialism find little comfort from a society that defines success in dollar signs, with few nods to personal contentment, scholarship or ethical behavior. Religion, a counterweight in many other societies, is discouraged by a Communist Party wary of its potential to galvanize political opposition.

China's get-rich-quick obsession has taken drastic forms. A 15-year-old girl recently kidnapped one of her relatives and demanded a $25,000 ransom before she was caught. "She sought to earn the most money in the shortest time," explained the Eastern Morning Post.

In a study of the sex industry in rural China, sociologist Zhou found similar dynamics. "A lot of young girls want to get rich so badly and want to make use of their beauty before it slips away. They consider working hard a waste of time and feel their looks are a waste if they don't take advantage of them immediately," he said. "People want to become fat in one bite."

Added to the mix are the drive and energy that Chinese families have passed down through generations, a prodigious force that is easily seen in the prosperity of overseas Chinese communities around the world.

Family experts say that drive to succeed is particularly strong in China now, as more parental frustration, wealth and expectations are channeled to the young. This is because many parents, sometimes referred to as the "tragic generation," had their most promising decade stolen when the Cultural Revolution threw society into chaos, shuttering schools and destroying careers.

In many cases, China's one-child population policy has meant more money for young people. But these single offspring also have two parents and four grandparents focused like laser beams on their success, projecting collective insecurities, fears and hopes on them in an effort to live through the younger generation.

"My mother says, 'If only I was born in this age, I could be someone,' " Wang Sujun said. " 'I could have even been a college teacher. Instead I was forced to be a common laborer.' "

As such pressures bear down, many young people feel they have already failed at a tender age.

"Where's my dream?" media planner Anan, 25, said on the Shenzhen News Net website, speaking on condition that her first name not be used. "Where are all the expectations I had just two years ago? I don't know how to go on with my life."

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:02 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省


Life Lessons for My Sisters: How to Make Wise Choices and Live a Life You Love!
from Natasha Munson

Opening Up to Love After Being Hurt

The worst thing you can do is keep yourself in an endless cycle of relationships. You have to take a breather between relationships. That time in between is necessary to let go of any anger and release the baggage. No one, besides a therapist, wants to deal with you and your problems.
If a relationship even has a tinge of "I'll get you through this," it is fated to fail because it will be based on neediness. He'll need to help you. You'll need to be helped. You'll hurt him with your words and actions. He'll stick it through because "he loves you." He'll start hurting you. You'll stick with him because "you love him." And it becomes one vicious mess that you could have avoided.

You are fully empowered to take a break between relationships. It's like a breath of fresh air for your spirit.

You get in tune with yourself so you don't become jaded, disillusioned, or embittered. If a man has hurt you in any way in a relationship, do not immediately enter another relationship. Do not even begin to fool yourself and say it's just sexual. That's just a relationship diversion. You have to deal with yourself before you can give yourself, in any capacity, to anyone.
It's best to know why and what you want from a relationship. Don't try to replace the last man with a new man. Don't try to hurt anyone because you've been hurt. Don't become bitter because the last man was a jerk. What you perceive will become your reality. If, based on your experiences, you think all men are jerks and ain't about nothing, guess what type of men you're going to meet. Your perception is your reality.

This is not to say that all relationships end so badly that you need time to heal. But even when one ends well you still need to take time for yourself. Comparing your new man to your ex is just as bad as being bitter -- it will ruin the relationship eventually. So always take time for yourself before dating or entering new relationships.

Once you have allowed yourself to heal and you're no longer thinking about your ex or comparing other men to him, then you can consider dating. But always go into a relationship fresh. Leave behind the baggage and don't expect the new man to be a jerk or a dog.

Expect the best treatment. Expect the best relationship. Don't become intimate immediately and don't start thinking this is the one. Get to know the man you're dealing with. Get to know him as your friend. Learn how to trust. Learn how to love. But do it slowly. Don't rush. A solid relationship needs a foundation of friendship, trust, respect, honesty, and love. It takes time to develop those qualities in each other.

You can open yourself up to love, but know that love must be reciprocal. You will love him and he will love you. You will not need each other, but you will want each other. Love is not needy. Love is not possessive. Love is something that makes your life better and makes you feel happy.


Take a breather between each relationship to renew your spirit. It will give you time to know yourself and empower you to make better choices in relationships.

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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:04 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省









签到天数: 2 天









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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:05 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省

Remarks to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women Plenary Session

Mrs. Mongella, Under Secretary Kittani, distinguished delegates and guests:

I would like to thank the Secretary General of the United Nations for inviting me to be a part of the United Nations Fourth World Conference of Women. This is truly a celebration -- a celebration of the contributions women make in every aspect of life: in the home, on the job, in their communities, as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, learners, workers, citizens and leaders.

It is also a coming together, much of the way women come together ever day in every country.

We come together in fields and in factories. We come together in village markets and supermarkets. We come together in living rooms and board rooms.

Whether it is while playing with our children in the park, or washing clothes in a river, or taking a break at the office water cooler, we come together and talk about our aspirations and concern. And time and again, our talk turns to our children and our families. However different we may be, there is far more that unites us than divides us. We share a common future, and are here to find common ground so that we may help bring new dignity and respect to women and girls all over the world. By doing this, we bring new strength and stability to families as well.

By gathering in Beijing, we are focusing world attention on issues that matter most in the lives of women and their families: access to education, health care, jobs and credit, the chance to enjoy basic legal and human rights and participate fully in the political life of their countries.

There are some who question the reason for this conference.

Let them listen to the voices of women in their homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces.

There are some who wonder whether the lives of women and girls matter to economic and political progress around the globe.

Let them look at the women gathered here and at Huairou -- the homemakers, nurses, teachers, lawyers, policymakers, and women who run their own businesses.

It is conferences like this that compel governments and people everywhere to listen, look and face the world’s most pressing problems.

Wasn’t it after the women’s conference in Nairobi ten years ago that the world focused for the first time on the crisis of domestic violence?

Earlier today, I participated in a World Health Organization forum, where government officials, NGOs, and individual citizens are working on ways to address the health problems of women and girls.

Tomorrow, I will attend a gathering of the United Nations Development Fund for Women. There, the discussion will focus on local -- and highly successful -- programs that give hard-working women access to credit so they can improve their own lives and the lives of their families.

What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish.

And when families flourish, communities and nations will flourish.

That is why every woman, every man, every child, every family, and every nation on our planet has a stake in the discussion that takes place here.

Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating to women, children, and families. Over the past two-and-a half years, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing women in my own country and around the world.

I have met new mothers in Jojakarta and Indonesia, who come together regularly in their village to discuss nutrition, family planning, and baby care.

I have met working parents in Denmark who talk about the comfort they feel in knowing that their children can be cared for in creative, safe, and nurturing after-school centers.

I have met women in South Africa who helped lead the struggle to end apartheid and are now helping build a new democracy.

I have met with the leading women of the Western Hemisphere who are working every day to promote literacy and better health care for the children of their countries.

I have met women in India and Bangladesh who are taking out small loans to buy milk cows, rickshaws, thread and other materials to create a livelihood for themselves and their families.

I have met doctors and nurses in Belarus and Ukraine who are trying to keep children alive in the aftermath of Chernobyl.

The great challenge of this Conference is to give voice to women everywhere whose experiences go unnoticed, whose words go unheard.

Women comprise more than half the word’s population. Women are 70% of the world’s poor, and two-thirds of those are not taught to read and write.

Women are the primary caretakers for most of the world’s children and elderly. Yet much of the work we do is not valued -- not by economists, not by historians, not by popular culture, not by government leaders.

At this very moment, as we sit here, women around the world are giving birth, raising children, cooking meals, washing clothes, cleaning houses, planting crops, working on assembly lines, running companies, and running countries.

Women also are dying from diseases that should have been prevented or treated. They are watching their children succumb to malnutrition caused by poverty and economic deprivation. They are being denied the right to go to school by their own fathers and brothers. They are being forced into prostitution, and they are being barred from the band lending office and banned from the ballot box.

Those of us who have the opportunity to be here have the responsibility to speak for those who could not.

As an American, I want to speak up for those women in my own country—women who are raising children on the minimum wage, women who can’t afford health care or child care, women whose lives are threatened by violence, including violence in their own homes.

I want to speak up for mothers who are fighting for good schools, safe neighborhoods, clean air, and clean airwaves; for older women, some of them widows, who have raised their families and now find their skills and life experiences are not valued in the workplace; for women who are working all night as nurses, hotel clerks, and fast food cooks so that they can be at home during the day with their kids; and for women everywhere who simply don’t have time to do everything they are called upon to do each day.

Speaking to you today, I speak for them, just as each of us speaks for women around the world who are denied the chance to go to school, or see a doctor, or own property, or have a say about the direction of their lives, simply because they are women. The truth is that most women around the world work both inside and outside the home, usually by necessity.

We need to understand that there is no formula for how women should lead their lives.

That is why we must respect the choices that each woman makes for herself and her family. Every woman deserves the chance to realize her own God-given potential.

We also must recognize that women will never gain full dignity until their human rights are respected and protected.

Our goals for this Conference, to strengthen families and societies by empowering women to take greater control over their destinies, cannot be fully achieved unless all governments -- here and around the world -- accept their responsibility to protect and promote internationally recognized human rights.

The international community has long acknowledged -- and recently affirmed at Vienna -- that both women and men are entitled to a range of protections and personal freedoms, from the right of personal security to the right to determine freely the number and spacing of the children they bear.

No one should be forced to remain silent for fear of religious or political persecution, arrest, abuse or torture.

Tragically, women are most often the ones whose human rights are violated.

Even in the late 20th century, the rape of women continues to be used as an instrument of armed conflict. Women and children make up a large majority of the world’s refugees. When women are excluded from the political process, they become even more vulnerable to abuse.

I believe that, on the eve of a new millennium, it is time to break our silence. It is time for us to say here in Bejing, and the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women’s rights as separate from human rights.

These abuses have continued because, for too long, the history of women has been a history of silence. Even today, there are those who are trying to silence our words.

The voices of this conference and of the women at Huairou must be heard loud and clear:

It is a violation of human rights when babies are denied food, or drowned, or suffocated, or their spines broken, simply because they are born girls.

It is a violation of human rights when woman and girls are sold into the slavery of prostitution.

It is a violation of human rights when women are doused with gasoline, set on fire and burned to death because their marriage dowries are deemed too small.

It is a violation of human rights when individual women are raped in their own communities and when thousands of women are subjected to rape as a tactic or prize of war.

It is a violation of human rights when a leading cause of death worldwide along women ages 14 to 44 is the violence they are subjected to in their own homes.

It is a violation of human rights when women are denied the right to plan their own families, and that includes being forced to have abortions or being sterilized against their will.

If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, it is that human rights are women’s rights -- and women’s rights are human rights. Let us not forget that among those rights are the right to speak freely -- and the right to be heard.

Women must enjoy the right to participate fully in the social and political lives of their countries if we want freedom and democracy to thrive and endure.

It is indefensible that many women in nongovernmental organizations who wished to participate in this conference have not been able to attend -- or have been prohibited from fully taking part.

Let me be clear. Freedom means the right of people to assemble, organize and debate openly. It means respecting the views of those who may disagree with the views of their governments. It means not taking citizens away from their loved ones and jailing they, mistreating them, or denying them their freedom or dignity because of the peaceful expression of their ideas and opinions.

In my country, we recently celebrated the 75th anniversary of women’s suffrage. It took 150 years after the signing of our Declaration of Independence for women to win the right to vote.

It took 72 years of organized struggle on the part of many courageous women and men. It was one of America’s most divisive philosophical wars. But it was also a bloodless war. Suffrage was achieved without a shot being fired.

We have also been reminded, in V-J Day observances last weekend, of the good that comes when men and women join together to combat the forces of tyranny and build a better world.

We have seen peace prevail in most places for a half century. We have avoided another world war.

But we have not solved older, deeply-rooted problems that continue to diminish the potential of half the world’s population.

Now it is time to act on behalf of women everywhere.

If we take bold steps to better the lives of women, we will be taking bold steps to better the lives of children and families too.

Families rely on mothers and wives for emotional support and care; families rely on women for labor in the home; and increasingly, families rely on women for income needed to raise healthy children and care for other relatives.

As long as discrimination and inequities remain so commonplace around the world -- as long as girls and women are valued less, red less, fed last, overworked, underpaid, not schooled and subjected to violence in and out of their homes -- the potential of the human family to create a peaceful, prosperous world will not be realized.

Let this Conference be our -- and the world’s -- call to action.

And let us heed the call so that we can create a world in which every woman is treated with respect and dignity, every boy and girl is loved and cared for equally, and every family has the hope of a strong and stable future.

Thank you very much.

May God bless you, your work and all who will benefit from it.

签到天数: 2 天









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楼主 | 发表于 2006-9-18 03:06 | 只看该作者 | 发表于:广东省

Nobel"s Will and the Literature Prize

Among the five prizes provided for in Alfred Nobel"s will (1895), one was intended for the person who, in the literary field, had produced "the most outstanding work in an ideal direction". The Laureate should be determined by "the Academy in Stockholm", which was specified by the statutes of the Nobel Foundation to mean the Swedish Academy. These statutes defined literature as "not only belles-lettres, but also other writings which, by virtue of their form and style, possess literary value". At the same time, the restriction to works presented "during the preceding year" was softened: "older works" could be considered "if their significance has not become apparent until recently". It was also stated that candidates must be nominated in writing by those entitled to do so before 1 February each year.

A special regulation gave the right of nomination to members of the Swedish Academy and other academies, institutions and societies similar to it in constitution and purpose, and to university teachers of aesthetics, literature and history. An emendation in 1949 specified the category of teachers: "professors of literature and philology at universities and university colleges". The right to nominate was at the same time extended to previous Prize-winners and to "presidents of those societies of authors that are representative of the literary production in their respective countries". The statutes also provided for a Nobel Committee "to give their opinion in matter of the award of the prizes" and for a Nobel Institute with a library which was to contain a substantial collection of mainly modern literature.
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